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Friday, 16 September 2005
First Friday for September
Mood:  not sure
Raul and I did the First Friday again on September 2nd. We changed our act quite a bit from the last show. We didn't do as well this time, and there wasn't as many people there either. Raul and I made about $40 each. Not as much as last time, but we barely spent money on the act so it's ok. For our next show we're going to write a new act. Let Raul play the "child" for once.

Posted by moon2/the_brosis_jugglers at 5:05 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 17 September 2005 12:42 AM PDT
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Sunday, 14 August 2005
First Friday
Mood:  happy
Raul and I did a juggling/comedy act on August 5th. It was for the First Friday Show. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a sort of fair that happens on the first Friday of every month in downtown Las Vegas. There are street performers, painters, tarot card readers, etc. You don't have to pay to do it which is great, but you don't get paid to do it...which is not so great. However, you can pass around a hat and whatever you make you keep. Raul and I did 6 shows. (each about 7-10 minutes long)We made about $85. Not bad for our first time. It was a great experience for both of us, and we're planning on continuing to do these shows.

Posted by moon2/the_brosis_jugglers at 1:41 AM PDT
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