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Sleepy Hollow Rabbitry

About Us

Sleepy Hollow is a rescue Rabbitry in Norther Indiana.We are a Mother/Daughter team! We have been rescuing and raising rabbits for 12+ years. We take rabbits from people who no longer want then and give the a loving home in our rabbitry. Malorie used to be in 4-H so that's kinda how things started out. People started asking us to take rabbits that they didn't want. So we stopped 4-h and breeding to rescue needy rabbits. We Love Rabbits no matter the breed!

Andrea Woolman: Owner of Sleepy Hollow Rabbitry

About Andie: Hi I'm Andie! I've been married to my Husband (Cris) for 25 years (must have made the right choice!) and have two adult children. Malorie is 23 and engaged to her soul mate Ryan. They just had a baby...KODY JOHN ... who was born 12/08/08... Dusty is my 21 year old son who is working in a bread factory, going to school, and finally realizing that he's worth something! I have so many hobbies that I don't have time for them all. I teach martial arts to kids ...not really a hobby, more like an obsession. Basic stand up karate, kick boxing, and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu are the forms that I teach. I've had my own school for almost ten years now. It's called Fear Not Self Defense. I have a blast teaching. Kids are so funny! I also have a fitness class for adults. I love to work out. I've been doing a lot of Yoga lately. It's so calming. I also do a lot of gardening. Herbs are my favorite plants to grow. I use them in teas and salves. Herbal medicine is something that I've always been interested in. Sometimes it becomes an obsession too. I like to work on different crafts and create things. Stuffed animals are fun to make and so are dolls. I love a challenge! I'm working on a dragon now that I'm excited about! Cooking is ok, but I'm sick of it! Then there is my husband Cris' hobby. He bought a 2007 Harley Davidson Road King. So I get to dress like a biker every weekend. We actually have a lot of fun. We have friends that we ride with.

E-mail Andie

Malorie Woolman: Founder of Sleepy Hollow Rabbity

About Malorie: Hey my name is Mal and I'm 23... I'm a stay at home mommy. I have 13 month old son named Kody John Clemons. He was born December 8th 2008 at 6:09pm. Weighing 10lbs 4oz! He is my entire world! I've been with my boyfriend (now fiancé) Ryan for 3 years and I love him with all my heart and he knows it. He makes me happy and that's all that matters. We are getting married July 13th, 2013. I have 3 Cats named Blink, Mew, and Loki. They are my other babies. I love tattoos! I only have cherries on my ankle .They are very addictive and I would like to get a couple more. I like piercings too.I have 8 of them. I play way to much Nintendo.I Love Zelda. I've played and beat pretty much every zelda game...I'm starting to get into playing xbox. Most of my friends are guys and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love just hanging out and being lazy watching movies. I finally feel that my life is where it should be...

E-mail Malorie

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