The Hyena's Den

This site is brought to you by the new White Fangs Red Mint. In the morning, in the evening, keep your sharp fangs white with new White Fangs Red Mint, A Feros product.

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Images,unless otherwise noted, seen on this site are by Feros.


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Welcome to The Hyena's Domain!!

Hyena!! Rarrr!

This is a place where I, Neptune, post my furry and non furry stories, essays, thoughts, drawings, pictures, and other items of intrest. So sit back, relax, have a drink, and enjoy the stories!

My site is light and airy and fun for everyone, furry or not, but the majority of my stories involve gay relationships since I am gay. If your are not comfortable with that or do not like this type of writing, just don't read any stories with "vodka and orange juice" on the menu.

The Moon!

moon phase

Drawing by Neptune Wolf.

Thursday, June 15th, 2006:

My writer's block is definately gone! I finished writing part two of Change of Plans. Check that out! Part one is already on yiffstar and Part 2 is on it's way there. Part 3 is being written. Part 2 is semi-yiffy/cub, 100% fun to read!

Today I made some cosmetic changes to my art section. Nothing too spectacular, just a fresh coat of paint and a little moving around of thigns. I added 5 new pictures to my Photos page and I've added 2 of my signature picture designs in my Furry Art section. Be sure to check them out.

I recently go a job (yayness!) making Italian Food, so my free time is quite limited, but I do have a very flexible schedule.

Tuesday July 11th, 2006:

Wow. I've been neglecting the hell out of this site, but anyways, I got a new story coming out called 20th Century Fox (This name could change). So far it's about 8 pages long. It's about two foxes in a High School marching band who get a lot closer before their next performance.

The pixal drawing (of Shonen Jump's Naruto) I've been working on and off on is finally finished! . . . but It's on my brother's computer so I can't post it here today. It's really good.

In other news, I was forced to stop talking with a friend of mine becuase of a 3-year age difference. I'm really crushed about it. It's a real shame that our friendship had to end on such bad terms and if I could, I would make it up to him.

Speaking of laws, I'll have to make sure I'm not infringing on Angelfire's terms of agreement by making an adult rated website. Som expect to see a new website by me sometime in the furture.

Kern's Clock. Photo by Neptune Wolf