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A Cure for Boredom


Disclaimer:This story contains characters that are not mine. Will Turner is owned by Disney and the companies involved in Pirates of the Caribbean. Paris, Helen, Hector and everyone else but Aerellya belong to the world of Greek myths. Aerellya belongs to me. She is a character written by my pen and Dell PC.


Hera sat down at her gold throne and sighed. She sipped at her ambrosia and lost herself in guilt. Ever since the war started she had felt guilty. How could she, Queen of the Gods, fight over such a trivial thing like a golden apple.And then she had the audacity to have a mortal choose which of the three goddesses, Athena, Aphrodite, or herself, was the fairest. She should have known it would end disastrously. To think that the now ten year siege of Troy was, in part, her fault.

Hera was snapped out her guilt-filled reverie by a sudden whirlwind of gold silk robes. ‘Why must she always have this overly dramatic entrance?’ , Hera thought as Aphrodite appeared out of a silver mist. Aphrodite was bored and when the goddess of love was bored a love triangle, an affair, and/or a separation ensued. Hera put a smile on her face and rose to meet the goddess.

“Aphrodite! How are you? I have seen or heard from you in weeks. What have you been doing?”

“Bored, doing nothing terribly productive. You’d think this pathetic war would’ve been over after ten years!”

“Not if the armies are from Troy and Sparta, both of which are matched in skill,” Hera replied with a hint of annoyance in her voice. Just because Hera blamed herself for this war didn’t mean that she did not also blame Aphrodite. Why couldn’t Aphrodite have offered the most beautiful single woman? Why did it have to be the queen of the war-mongering city-state of Sparta?

“Oh Hera, will you stop trying to lay blame? This war was inevitable one way or the other and you know it! But that’s beside the point. I was thinking of adding a little more spice to the Helen-Paris romance. What do you think of starting a little love triangle?” Aphrodite asked with a smirk.

‘Here it comes. The one thing that could bring down Troy from the inside out!’ thought Hera. She nodded her head after a slight hesitation as a sign for Aphrodite to explain the up-coming mess.

“How about I bring in someone from another land and time? It’s very simple, really. This person will come between Helen nad Paris, which will ultimately end in a fight for each one’s true love.”

“What do you mean by another time? Where is this person from?” questioned Hera suspiciously.

“Well the man I’m thinking of is from around the 18th Century which is tens of hundreds of years ahead of us.” Aphrodite answered simply. She dipped her hand in a silver bowl nearby and waved it in front of Hera’s face. An image appeared on what looked like a cloud of water.

The image was that of a man in what looked to be a blacksmith’s shop. He was tall and fair of skin. His hair was a soft brown, almost cinnamon, color just like his deep soulful eyes. He had a fine face with a strong jaw and graceful cheekbones. The man reminded Hera, ever slightly, of Prince Paris of Troy.

“He lives in a land called Port Royal,” continued Aphrodite smiling ever so slightly, “and his name is William Turner.”

Chapter Two