Trouble at the National Neopian
(moon's little tips and guide)

by moonprincess4269

Howdy.  Tis your favorite moonprincess.  I decided to write a little guide on Trouble at the Neopian; it's one of my favorite games, and I actually scored within the top 100 on the High Scores List, (at the time, I was #66, but there are users who get better and better every day, so, my rank is kind of decreasing.) :(  Ah well.  on with the guide!

First of all, the game is simple.  You're a banker.  Neopets, *and occasionally, a staff member* come to deposit points.  The points they deposit go to your score.  There are robbers.  Bad robbers.  They come to take your points.  Your job is to activate the alarm to prevent this.  Still with me?  Goodie.

Step One:  Learn the keys.

There are six doors that you will be facing.  Each door has a corresponding key.  To really play well, it helps to have them memorized.  S, D, F,(to the left of the screen,) and  J, K, and L. for the right side.  After the game has loaded, ( i suggest playing on medium or low quality for better speed), you click the gold bar that says "Play Game."  After this, you are taken to the next screen, saying you can exit the game by pressing Q and turn off sound by pressing X.  SECRET:  here, you can practice memorization of the keys without consequence.  DO NOT PRESS SPACE YET.  practice.  You'll also need to get the hang of pressing multiple keys at once:  you will eventually face up to 4 robbers at one time.  

Step Two:  Reaction.

Go ahead and press space.  You will start at level one.  A variety of neopets will appear:  a bruce, (3 pts,)  a Usul, (10 pts,)  a shoyru and a quiggle, (5 pts), a kyrii, (8 pts) and a jub jub, (10 pts) *SECRET: The neopets Staff member, EXTREMELY RARE, is worth an automatic 25pts*.  The robbers are as follows:

The Meerca Brothers, (also seen in the Gallery of Evil.)

the Red Scorchio.  You will see him, and OFTEN.

the Shadow Usul, although the Shadow Usul in the Gallery of Evil is black.

TIP: One of my most common mistakes is activating the alarm on the green quiggle, about the same size as the Usul. Be careful when you see him/her/it?">

SECRET:  Neopets Instructions do not, however, tell you  of the fourth robber, a red nimmo in grey sweats.  He will start to appear on Level 10.

Ah, yeah, reaction.  React quickly to the robbers, you have about 2 1/2 seconds to activate the alarm or else half of your neopoints are taken away.

Step Three: Banking.

About Level three, you should have near 100 points active.  Every 100, bank by pressing the space bar.  (If you want to be tricky, try playing with a friend.  you control the left side, they'll control the right side of the keyboard, and you can take turns banking.)  Level 8 or 9 you should have your next 100, Level 10 you'll start to see the red Nimmo, Level 13 you'll have your next 100.

By the time Level 16 rolls around, the game will pick up it's maximum speed.  You will face up to six doors open at once and four robbers all at a time.  This is where the memorization will kick in, also, pressing multiple keys at once; such as S + F, J + L, J + K, you get the idea...  

As the game progresses from this point, it's often that you will only get 2 robbers at a time, but, the key part in this is Banking.  Banking when you have less than 100 will take away 10 points.  Activating the alarm on the wrong door will cost you 10 as well...  But if you activate the alarm with a good neopet in there, you lose a live.  (anyone wanna tell me why Neopets only provides 3 lives?  there are 99 levels!  (and then they restart at 10.)   In the higher levels, you can't really watch your active neopoint count to know when to bank. I'd say every.. perhaps, 9 to 13 seconds, just bank for the heck of it. It's better to lose 10 points for acting early than lose half your points, (and a live, mind you,) for acting too late.

Anyways, practice makes perfect.  The NP ratio is 100NP per 100 points scored, so, to get the max, you have to score at least 1000.  It's not hard, but, practice makes perfect.  Sometimes, I'm satisfied with a 500 or 600 point score.  But, I'm not you, and you're not me.  If this isn't the game for you, find one and make it your own.  And write me a guide!

Take care, and i'll see you in the guild.  

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