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1. Why Absorb Sunshine?

Let The Sun Shine In

The Children of the Sun

Imbibe Sunshine for a Natural High

Sungazing and Eyesight

Nude Sunbathing

A Cure for Obesity


2. Basic Tools and Techniques

            How to Sungaze

            Sungazing Tools

            Getting the Full Spectrum

            How to Sunbathe

            Sun-charged water

                        Atonic Tea

                        Sun-Chi Drink

                        Sun-charged Food

            Barefoot Walking on Sun-warmed Sand


            Sleeping Grounded


3. Suns of God

            Viracocha, the Golden One from the Sun

            Akhenaton, High Priest of the Sun

            The Lost Teachings of Zarathustra

            The Wisdom of Sol-O-Mon

            Serapis of the Sun

            Jesus Christ, Sun of God

            The Solar Vision of Akbar

            The Disciple of the Sun, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

            HRM, the Human Solar Chip


4. How to Become a Sun of God


            Amrita, the Nectar of Immortality

            The Deathless Solar Body

            The Alchemy of Human Transformation

            Into the Heart of the Sun


5. Testimonials


6. Prayers, Affirmations and Meditations


Appendix A – The Gayatri Mantra


Appendix B – Sun-promoting Websites