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Copyright Information for

All the essays, articles, artwork, and photomanipulations (unless otherwise specified) are my property- please don't steal it.


For Written Work: If you like it, and want to display it on your website, please do it as a link to the appropriate page. Don't download it or reprint it on your site.

For Artwork: I don't mind if you wish to display some of it on your site, or print it out (for your own use only) as long as I recieve credit for the work that I do (in other words, leave the signature on it, and post a link to my site). If so, just download the pic. to your own site please. The server I'm on doesn't allow for bandwidth "theft" as far as I can tell anyway (I've tried to use it for an avatar on another site, and it didn't work).

ALSO: In some of the photomanipulations, I note whether or not the pic was orignally mine, and have profited off of none of these displayed (doing them for my own enjoyment, and the enjoyment of you, the viewer). If I'm not profiting off of them, then I definitely imagine that it would be wrong for someone else to do so; so if you take them, make it for personal use only. Thanks!