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Coven of the Cottontail

Merry Meet, Everyone! Welcome to our site. 

At the bottom are links to us and how we came to be witches!

Before you judge, learn!

Wicca is a religion that has roots going back to the dawn of man. The late Dr. Margaret Murry traced Witchcraft's origins to Paleolithic times, 25,000 years ago. Because the first humans depended so much on the animals and plants around them for life, animism developed to be what was the first known religion. Animism is ascribing to each natural phenomena a spirit to reside over it. A God or Goddess or spirit was in control of the seas, mountains, and of the animals that were hunted. New information about cave paintings and Goddess figurines and other forms of animism are being found every year.

Wicca is a joyous religion springing from our kinship with nature. It is a merging with the Goddesses and Gods, the universal energies which created all in existence. It is a personal, positive celebration of life.

Wicca is a spiritual path originating in Britain which recognizes both a feminine and masculine element to the divine. It believes that nature is sacred and should be protected. Aside from the protection of the environment Wicca's central theme, called the Wicca Rede, is "if it does no harm do your own will". This means do what you want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.

Aside from the Wiccan Rede and the "three-fold law", Wiccans do not have to subscribe to a fixed ideology so beliefs vary, however the common theme is that Wiccans gain a connection with the divine spirit of mother nature through the celebration of her cycles through the Wicca calendar. This is done either individually or with other Wiccans. According to most versions of the three-fold law, whatever one does comes back to one thrice-multiplied, in amplified repercussion. The Wiccan Rede states "Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: An it harm none, do what you will." 

There is no such thing as "Black Magick," the Christians just made that up to scare people! Magick is only good and never hurts anyone, because remember "what you do comes back times 3!"

The Sabbats
In addition to our weekly Wiccan Ceremonies, we also observe and recognize all of THE SABBATS, which are: 

(We observe them to remind ourselves about how the Christians stole all of these holidays and renamed them in an effort to stamp out our ancient religion.)

Samhain - Oct. 31
Yule - Dec. 21
Candlemas - Feb. 2
Ostara - Mar. 21
Beltane - May 1
Midsummer - June 21
Lammas - Aug. 2
Mabon - Sept. 21

What Wicca is Not

Wicca is not a cult. Wicca is not synonymous with Satan worship. The idea  that witches worship Satan was propounded by the Roman Catholic Church as it made its way across Europe, in an effort to suppress the native earth-based religions prevalent at the time. They succeeded to the extent that they drove the practitioners of these religions underground where much of their knowledge and traditions were lost. Wicca does not include flying on brooms. We do not eat babies, or kill cats, we love cats and babies!

Click here for Mama Silver's site!

She's the best! You should go out and buy all of her books, right now!

How Lady NightWing became a witch!

How Lady Stardancer Moonbeam became a witch!

How Lady MerryFeather became a witch!

How Lord Merlyn Ravyntail became a witch!

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Lady NightWing, High Priestess

Lord Merlyn Ravyntail, High Priest

Lady Stardance Moonbeam, devotee

Lady MerryFeather, devotee


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