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~Whysper's Place~

Did you know...?

~Inspiring Places~

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Delphi Forums-Great Places to Visit
The start page for The Realm of Being
Amazing images for your desktop
Whysper's Interesting Thoughts
Whysper's Realm of Graphics
Whysper's Other Realm of Graphics

Greetings and Welcome!
Classes are well underway, and I am making A's!
So glad the heat is slacking off some now, Fall is here!
It is time to watch the leaves fall...Are you ready to reflect upon the year?
May you enjoy the Autumn season and the blessings of regeneration
as you look within on your continuing journey.
With the stresses of school, I am going to be busy.
Still, if someone would like a reading or some graphics work done, let me know.
Below you will find a link to my PayPal account for reading "donations".
Thanks to all who chose to make donations in the past.
They were much appreciated! Enjoy your visit here!
Check back anytime!
Drop by the Realm of Be*ing!
Participate in a lively group chat in the forums' chat rooms...
Check out our extensive message board...
Realize the benefits of "Be*ing"...
Special thanks to Majik...

for the subtle reminders...
We are all creative Be*ings,
but how many of us can say we inspired someone else's creativity today?
Thanks again, Maj...
You are loved...
...and to Sissy,

for always lending an ear to a friend or passerby alike.
Your Be*ing inspires us all. Thanks for being YOU, Sis...
Jaden is the 3 year old girl I have babysat for for the last year.
She can be such a rascal, but I am her Sher Sher.
Dora is one of her favorite characters, and of course, she wanted everyone to see fallin' leaves.
So, here ya go kiddo!
Can you tell she is still amazed with the world?
I, as her caregiver, would have it no other way...
If you would like to schedule a reading,
discuss being a Gwyddon,
or get a new graphic...
contact me at
I look forward to hearing from you!
For all those who live alternatively...
Know that you are loved and cherished,
and in knowing that,
always find the courage
to Celebrate your own Diversity!
Here I am adding a few things that make me smile.
Those that know me will understand.
Its my hope that everyone who has touched my life
can smile, because of me and with me.
Come on, Let's play!
You know I Love You...
I will update this occaisionally.

Self-realization(self, Self, SELF)
can give you all that you
could ever possibly desire.
~Fox Dancing, 2004
It is not to give in to the despair of loss, but to mourn, and to find once again,
the light that emanated from these cherished beings.
Remember them, celebrate them, release them.
Know that within the darkness, there we find light...Let that be your guide...
Pay me securely with any
major credit card through PayPal!
Pay me securely with any major credit card through PayPal!