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Vampires are known as Dracula or (more romantic) Princess of Darkness. The majority of people imagine them as the pale, ugly with monstrous fangs, horrible bodies, but this is not true! Some of them are beautiful with strange colored eyes full of sadness and power. Beautiful female vampires often seduce their food with their beauty, and without warning strike their victim. Their higher placed check bones make their face look hollow and shady. Their two perfectly shaped fangs are the only noticeable difference. The canines or the two front teeth are replaced from the fangs, which depends on the power level the vampire has. Vampires drink blood from humans in order to have their life, body, and powers. Without it, their tired bodies will start to fall apart and collapse. Their heart stopped beating and they will not grow anymore. That can sometimes be their major drawback. They mostly kill their victim but when they are sure enough about a person, they bring them into a family. Only the chosen ones can be vampires. They are leveled according to their age. The older they get the more powers they gather. The older ones can do more than others. The night is their sanctuary and their home… They do have protectors such as wolves and person who are under their guidance.

Their Powers

Can be Killed