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Stupid Stupid Idiot

Fuck You Melissa

Because of some seriously uncalled for actions; troop 117 has disbanded it's seniors and has there by lost it's webpage.  I just hope Melissa can understand the mistake she has made. We are teenagers with lives. It is the holiday season and family and friends are coming over to visit. How many juniors and caddettes have missed multiple meetings without calling or eMailing and THEY never got disbanded? Melissa if you didn't know for a fact that you could handle the needs of teenagers then you should have NEVER taken us on!!!!  You brought it all on your self. You are the only one that's to blame. I hope you have fun with all the problems you'll have now that we're gone. You just fucked your self over.



Stay tuned latter for the re-format of this site as it becomes Number 9 Studios: A Doujinshi Ring an affiliate of L.O.J.A. (Lakeland Ordinance of Japanese Animation)  Check out L.O.J.A. and I Like Mine With Cheese Productions