Crave the moon..

Logan de Treschi

Full Moon

My bands of silk and miniver
Momently grew heavier;
The black gauze was beggarly thin;
The ermine muffled mouth and chin;
I could not suck the moonlight in.

Harlequin in lozenges
Of love and hate, I walked in these
Striped and ragged rigmaroles;
Along the pavement my footsoles
Trod warily on living coals.

Shouldering the thoughts I loathed,
In their corrupt disguised clothed,
Mortality I could not tear
From my ribs, to leave them bare
Ivory in silver air.

There I walked, and there I raged;
The spiritual savage caged
Within my skeleton, raged afresh
To feel, behind a carnal mesh,
The clean bones crying in the flesh.

Hear that howl?
He's close, on your scent.
Better run.
No, that only excites him.
Hide, pray he doesn't pick up on your fear.
"Loving the monsters always ends badly for the human. It's a rule."

Aren't familiar with lycanthropes?
Here is a crash course, if you will.

In the traditional sense, most assumptions are true. Full moons usually equal a night of uncontrollable changing, hunting and feasting. However, this isn't the only time werewolves become furry; and unlike Hollywood suggests, their only form is not that of the half man/half wolf. They also have one that is all animal, total wolf.

Lycanthropes can change at will. This does not come without consequences, though. The younger and less powerful will collapse for at least eight hours after changing back to human form. Yes, it is that draining. Logan has no problem with this. He even has the ability to undergo a rapid change, shifting at record speed--like watching a time lapse video of a flower blooming.

Some facts are new to the werewolf genre. Like inhuman strength. Let's put it this way.. Logan can bench press a small car or slam his fist through the door panel like it were cardboard. Heightened senses include sight, smell, and hearing. These are just the basics. He can smell fear, taste it, touch it. Anything that would excite a predator, he's instantly aware of it. And let's not forget that healing ability. What would normally scar or kill a human can become just a nasty pink welt in a matter of days with him.

But these are just the Pros. Now for the Cons.
Silver? It's true, werewolves are deathly allergic to silver. Any wound made by some high-grade silver will probably never heal or heal as slow as a human. Not to mention that wonderful healing ability makes for a hyper-active metabolism, leaving painkillers and alcohol or any other drug in the dust. Advil doesn't do squat, drunkenness lasts half as long, hangovers are nonexistant. It's not all fun, you know, controlling that raging Beast within. Ever had the urge to eat your friends? It's not a pleasant feeling.

Now you know the basics on lycanthropsy. Use your knowledge wisely, for it just may get you killed.

The Wolf Within:
Beautiful Hunter

Recently purchased property:
Home Sweet Home

Here are the werewolf terms
I use when it comes to pack.

Want more visual?

|Copyright © 2005|
(Likeness is Johnny Depp. Otherwise, the character is mine. Steal it and face the consequences.)