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My Realm Of The Dismal Affinity

Thursday, 6 November 2003

The signing was absolutely amazing. Devin, Jed, Byron, Will and Gene were adorable bastards!
Devin turned up in his mighty glasses and.. and.. that was the highlight of the day.

Later that night, my anticipation to the SYL gig shattered to tiny clusters. The venue has been upgraded with major security concerns. I was pissed, even though it was halloween.

Now I am, perhaps 7 days late of recalling this journey of mine.

Another good news, Opeth have postponed their Australian Tour to March 2004. This saved my roaring budget for the crushing Metal For The Brain festival just about a week after the proposed Opeth Sydney tour.


Before: Countess - Hate From Hell
Now: Accursed - The Watcher
Next: Darklord - Inferal

Posted by moon/thorns at 5:57 PM EADT
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Saturday, 25 October 2003

Strapping Young Lad Instores!
Strapping Young Lad are coming to town!

I'm excited to meet the band, especially Devin. I'm not really a huge fan of them, I just recently go into their music. After the signing, I might sneak into the gig, perhaps the 3rd time, Opeth, Soilwork and Strapping Young Lad may maintain the 3rd spot.

The School Certificate Exams are coming up, I am prepared for English and History. The rest, needs work (Science, Geography and Maths).

I also received the results of what subjects I'll be doing in year 11 and 12. Just to find out that there is one subject I did not choose... BIOLOGY?!?!
It will be the third time for me facing the cirriculum co-ordinator about my complaint and change of subjects.

At first, I chose 2U English, 3U Maths, 2U Modern History, 2U Physics, 1U Study Of Religion and 2U Economics. The Economics class did not have the adequate number of student so I changed it into Business Studies. The cirriculum teacher told me that two classes are full and he cannot break the law!?! WHAT THE FUCK!!!

Anyways, rantings over. Here are some songs I've been listening.

Before: Strapping Young Lad - Relentless
Now: Nazxul - Vow Of Vengeance
Next: Barathrum - Spears

Posted by moon/thorns at 10:19 PM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 25 October 2003 10:22 PM EADT
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Wednesday, 22 October 2003

First Entry
Well, this is my first entry, on the same day as the STOP BUSH rally.
The whole rally itself is farfetched.

I guess G. "Dubya" Bush is one incompetant leader, he hasn't accomplished his mission to destroy the weapon of mass destruction. Trillions and trillions of dollars were used waging war against one of the nation's "Axis of Evil". He demolished the civilised cities of Iraq, dropping bombs killing civilians as much as a 6 figure digits and creating an anarchy society.

Back to the Stop Bush rally, protesters, arrrrgh. Don't they ever have a peaceful march? The last protest relating to the Iraq war ended in violence and mayhem. This costs money whereas us taxpayers will pay for the damages caused and the security.
No, I don't hate protesters, but I hate the chaos they induce.

I, too, oppose the war. There's no point of killing Saddam when he once offered to help America to get back on their shoes in the wake of 9/11. Their aim: War on Freedom seemed flawed, it's no longer about freedom, it's about oil, blood and $$$.

Before: Opeth - Silhouette
Now: Forgotten Tomb - Disheartenment
Next: Nunslaughter - I Am Death

Posted by moon/thorns at 7:07 PM NZT
Updated: Wednesday, 22 October 2003 7:12 PM NZT
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