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The Little Kitsune

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A young silver haired fox demon lay in a tall, vine wrapped tree, looking up into the moonlit sky. She sighed and glanced around with her sparkling green eyes, her gaze falling on a small child that lay asleep below her. She smiled slightly at the orange haired kid, who she knew was just a hanyou. She thought of comments she'd get from her father if he caught her gaurding over the hanyou, none of which were very kind. She sighed again at the thought of her father, the demon she wouldn't hear from again. She sat up carefully to not wake the child as he slept. She closed her eyes as a soft wind blew past, getting lost in the memories of the past.


'Kuniko! what do you think you're doing?!' She heard a shrill cry from her mother and almost dropped the sword she was holding. 'Nothing!' she called back, quickly turning and hiding the sword behind her back. 'Doesn't look like nothing.' she heard from behind her. She turned around, thinking she still had the sword in hand and went to whack her big sister over the head with it, but realized, the sword was gone. 'What the- Umeko! Give that back!' she whined, jumping and trying to grab the sword her older sister held over her head. She smiled, showing her sharp fangs before calling back to her mother, 'Mother! See what little Kuniko got a hold of? Father really should put his weapons in a safer place.' Kuniko glared and tried again to get the sword off of Umeko, 'I'm not little!' she growled as she clawed for the sword.

Her mother walked in, arms crossed and she glared at Kuniko. 'Kuniko, I thought I told you not to touch your father's things!' She scolded as she easily picked the sword out of the two sister's grasp. 'But I just wanted to practice fighting with a sword!' Kuniko whined again, sitting down with a thud of defeat. 'Only when you're older Kuniko.' Her mother said, turning to replace the sword back in its holder, not seeing the young kit's mimic. 'Father doesn't even use that sword much!' Kuniko said, walking up and reaching for it, but was too small to grab it, 'Why does he even have one?' Her mother turned around with an almost annoyed look on her face, 'Your father is arrogant, he thinks he can defeat anyone or anything with just his claws and tricks. I gave him that sword so he wouldn't get killed.' she snorted rather angrily, 'he said he wouldn't touch anything made by some-' 'lowly human.' Kuniko finished, knowing her father too well.

Her mother knelt down next to Kuniko, about to give her a long lecture about humans, but Umeko cleared her throat to catch her attention. 'Mother, father will be back soon, do you want me to make sure Kisho gets to his home safely?' She asked. Her mother stood and nodded grimly, 'make sure he doesn't see him Umeko because if he does-' 'he will kill him, and destroy the whole village.' Umeko and Kuniko replied in unison, having heard this warning so many times before. 'Do I really repeat myself that much?' her mother asked as Umeko took off out the door, calling out her little brother's name. Kuniko nodded and looked up into her mother's worried green eyes, thinking for only a moment how much they looked alike. They all looked almost exactly like... except for her half brother. The half breed.

She stuck her tongue out at the thought and hummed to herself, looking for something to play with. Her ears flickered at the sound of screaming, which was rather usual. She quickly hopped over to the entrance of their hidden house in the woods, smiling widely. 'Father!' she cried happily seeing the large, ruffled looking fox trotting towards them with something in its huge jaws. The fox was abnormally large, the size of three humans from shoulder length. He had cruel, gleaming red eyes and light silvery blue fur, not even stained by the blood that poured from its mouth. The fox looked up and growled slightly, putting down what looked like a maimed body of a rogue samurai. With a flick of its three bushy tails, the fox demon was consumed by fire to be transformed into his human form, mostly so that he could fit through the door. When the flames parted, an annoyed looking young man stood casually, arms crossed over his chest. The demon, in his human form, was only five feet six inches tall, and had long silvery blue hair that came halfway down his back. He wore mismatched, and clearly stolen armor over blackened and charred clothes. He looked over at little Kuniko with his green eyes, smiling wide and showing his fangs. 'Hello my little Kitsune.' he greeted fondly.

Kuniko ran up to him and hugged his legs tightly, again too small to hug him anywhere else.
'Welcome back father!' she said cheerfully before glaring up at him. 'and I'm not little!'
The demon ruffled the little girl's hair fondly. 'of course you're not.'
Kuniko's mother strode out, glancing at the horribly maimed human body in disgust. 'I see you had fun Kana.' she said rather stiffly.
The demon, clearly named Kana, looked up with his huge grin. 'This one wasn't exactly for sport Amarante,' he started, walking over to the body and kicked it.
'Stupid bastard shouldn't have been trespassing, nor should he have been speaking to one of my daughters.' Kuniko's mother, Amarante, seemed a little bit shocked by this, but Kana seemed to take it that she was surprised the human had come into their forest.
Kuniko followed Kana as closely as his own shadow did, mimicing him and kicking the body. 'Stupid bastard!' she repeated cheerfully.
Her mother raised a clawed finger, waving it disapprovingly at Kuniko. 'Watch your language little one.' she said, smiling slightly as Kuniko stuck her tongue out at her.
Kana streached, yawning loudly. 'I'm going to go inside and take a nap, today was a long day.' He commented as he strode into their den, Kuniko's mother sending him a glare from behind his back.
'Kuniko?' She called to the girl whose attention was now on the dead warrior, thinking it was a present from her father. She got up and brushed herself off, hurrying over to her. 'Hm?' her mother brought a finger up to tell her to keep quiet and crouched to whisper in the little Kit's ear. 'Go find your brother and sister, make sure they're ok.' Kuniko frowned.
'To the human village? but the humans are so weird!' she complained, although quietly.
'Please go Kuniko, for me?' she said, taking Kuniko's small hand in hers.
Kuniko sighed and nodded reluctantly, 'I'll do it... but I won' like it.' she said in the most whiny voice she could muster.
Her mother smiled and got up, 'Be careful little one.' Kuniko nodded again, almost taking off.
She suddenly whirled around and glared at her mother. 'I'm not little!' she growled before turning back around and happily running away from the den and into the thick forest.
