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Hey,Hey! It's time I answer all your stupid err..interesting Questions regarding the MOONMAN. Enjoy it's radicalness.

1.)Have you ever met the MOONMAN? **************************************** Well to tell you the truth. No . The MOONMAN loves humans but is extremely timid around us. So no.
2.) Have you ever seen the MOONMAN? ************************************************ Yes of course I do. I try to see him on a regular basis.
3.) What proof is there the MOONMAN Exists? ******************************************************* Well, there isn't much solid evidence on his existence.But if you seen the old Mc. Donalds commercials and pay attention to the skies after Midnight you might see him.Check HOW TO SPOT THE MOONMAN guide for more info.
4.) You're getting me confused,What is his real name Mac Tonight or MOONMAN? ************************************************************************************************ You can call him which ever strikes your fancy,just that he likes The MOONMAN as a better name.So I'd stick to The MOONMAN if I were you.
5.) Is the MOONMAN cool? *********************************** Yeh,way cooler than you think.
6.) If the MOONMAN is angered will he attack? ******************************************************** Yes. If he is riled up he will attack. He has the aim of a hunter and skills of a Martial Arts Expert.
7.) What kind of Food does The MOONMAN eat? ********************************************************* He usually stops in at Mc. Donalds and snags some fries and Big Macs.
8.) Whom is the MOONMAN's mate/girlfriend/wife? ************************************************************ He doesn't have a wife or mate or girlfriend. Since he is the only "cresent-being" in existence, he does not have one. And Doesn't date human women either.
9.) Why do you spell MOONMAN in capitals? ***************************************************** His name is spelt like that to MAKE IT STAND OUT,or my reason is it looks BETTER.
10.) Where is the best place to find this MOONMAN? ************************************************************** He is mostly spotted in North America and sometimes if he feels adventurous will travel the world. So don't be discouraged.