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For You

- sorri....nothing up yet....feel free to right-click on AA tho


- BoA*
- my AA?
- Rose Illusions 2nd Angelfire
- Sapphyre Nite Original Angelfire
- I lost d link to mah Expage..................


- Kawaii[DOT]Brain-Work
- strawberry sherbert

Info --> Intro

Well.....another webpage for me. I knoe.....this is my third Angelfire, but i didn't reallie feel like using mah old ones. From mah first page @ Expage to d two other Angelfire sites, to AA, i've finallie switched bak. I guess d reason mah old angelfire accounts r still active is b/c i use them to upload stuff so dat mah comp isn't so crowded.....LOL. Veri good use of free webspace. To mah knowledge so far, Angelfire hasn't crashed or deleted random files, so i guess dis server is pretty safe. Boomspeed deletes files automatically....'n i've had a few frendz get pissed off b/c of dis....LOL. This is a blog-type tables layout, featuring an image by Yukirin, from Boy's Wallpaper Studio. Previously, i've been doing mah own layouts, but i'm kinda sick of doing layouts, after doing two for mah frend frum DT dat is never satisfied. I got dis off some website dat i found dat provides free layouts. Until i'm inspired to do a new layout, or feel like doing layouts again, i am going to use other peoples' layouts. SORRY. But too bad! .....mayb if i get a new host/hostess....*hint, hint*

Updates --> Content

Basically i'm here 'cuz AA is screwing up. It's not like i'm not happy w/ angelfire, but AA was a bit better. **sweatdrop** I knoe. I didn't reallie like AA before, cuz i felt dat it waz a bit racist, but oh well. I dunno wat to say......i guess if ur a BoA* fan too....u should drop by d BoA* section. Other than comment. Too many thingz to do w/ launching diz site 'n transloading images. Navigate by urself, dis layout should be quite straight-forward. Enjoy!

- Kawaii~BLossoMs**

Layou design © 2003 Crystal Cosmos
Image credited to Boy's Wallpaper Studio