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Fun Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
some cool monologues
back door to yahoo games
vocab sucks...get answers
homestarrunner....enough said
gotta love joecartoon
what a funny

fun story for....umm....uh....right now :) Yellow oranges with Fortune Cookies Once upon a mushroom the shoes ate a lot of bugs. He was ugly and fat and happy because the bugs are all the clouds and they drank a lot of goo. He (being the shoes) liked like orange goo best. One ant was small so he wantes to get to someplace with somthing that could eat stuff that could fly. So one night, Ant, the pink ant, flewt to space. Where ands had flamingos on their houses (even though flamingos can't fly). Back at He's house, Ant, the pink ant, was pondering about whether or not he (the ant)(not the shoe) should get flamingos to his loofa house. If He (the shoe not the ant) had flamingos then Ant could have flamingos with purple elefants. But Ant (the pink ant) didn't want purple ducks and He (the shoes not the ant) decided to change his name so it would not be confusing to others. Later thta evening Ant was wondering if He (the shoe not that ant) would really dacne with a purple stick and say hi. He's (the shoe not the ant) new name is Soggy Fluffers (Fluffers being the last name) Well, Ant was dissapointed cuz Soggy Fluffers was being stupid when he Hokey-Pokeyed around a pig pen and ate bacon. The moral is don't jump around when u don't have purple flamingos and eat lots of fortune cookies!!! The End