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Te Amo Jennifer Lopez Mucho

I'm Aisha alot of people call me E-sha. Don't sing to me please. I'm 19 yrs old. I live in Buffalo Ny and Looking for frineds. I am SOOOOOOO GAY as well. I am a Lesbian. Sorry guy's. im cute I have to be modest ;) I am a computer Nerd I love computers. I do web pages. IF you didnt notice. I can do a hellavue better job than this. So what's new can't you tell that i like J.LO. Yeah i love her but my first love is My girlfriend. She is My everything, My heart, my world. There is nothing i will not do for my girl. I love it when she speaks spanish to me. get me 'EXCITED' get what I mean. My second love is my cat. She is a cutie i treat like a child. Third love is drawing and writing. drawing and writing help relieve the stress that sometimes go in my life. well you have my email now my sn is the same thing for AIM. SO GET AT ME HOLLER!!!!! Well thanks for checking it out, Keep coming back because this is the start of it all. This page shall and will get better. Today was just a rush job. COME BACK AND FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Meet other gay people
That sexy ass chick
Meet new people of different races

