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Hey all, welcome to my page! I am just starting up with this, so you're gonna have to bear with me while I figure out how to use all this stuff! I originally put this site up so that I could upload pictures for all my friends to see, but I guess it turned into more than that! Lets start with the you should know my name is Jessica. I am sixteen, and a junior in high school. I go to school for music where I am a vocalist, and we do a lot of performances! I write a lot of my own music, and I am currently working on uploading an audio clip for the site. I don't really know what to explore the site (or what is currently to it) and enjoy!

~*~PlAcEs 2 Go~*~

~*~ChEcK oUt My JoUrNaL!!!~*~
~*~My MuSiC pAgE~*~
~*~My FrIeNdS~*~