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Biography: Why are YOU here?

Judy Ho is a fifteen year young over-achiever, artist, forensics geek, skate-loving, food-eating, anime-watching, book-reading kid currently attending high school in the often ridiculed state of New Jersey. She has a mom, dad, an older sister and two younger brothers where the youngest one is more of an animal than a boy. Judy also 'shares' a cat named Rana who likes to attack her when she least expects it.

Born in Taiwan at the age of one (cuz you know, asians are all born one year young), she spent 3 happy years there and then moved to Louisiana, USA when she was 3 (4 if you count being 1 when she was born) and then had fun killing rabbits until she moved again when she was 5 to New Jersey. Judy now resides in a small, cozy home with her parents and siblings and cat.

Sex: XX chromosome(hopefully you knew that)
Nationality: Taiwanese/Chinese
Date of Birth: 7/30/ 88
Place of Birth: Tainan, Taiwan
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: 5'4"
Weight: unknown(truthfully)
Mood: Amused
AIM: SiLv3rB4mb00
my xanga/online journal

Favorite Animals: Red-tailed Hawk, Tiger

Favorite mystical animals: Dragon, Phoenix, Unicorn =)

Quote: Life is Sweet.

Favorite Foods:

  • Steak
  • Lobster
  • Korean foods
  • Indian foods
  • Chinese foods and more

    Favorite Movies:

  • Spirited Away
  • 3 Ninjas
  • Pirates of the Caribbean
  • Laputa
  • Totoro
  • Sleepless in Seattle
  • Ninja Turtles and more

    Favorite Books:

  • Harry Potter books
  • Lord of the Rings books
  • Sabriel books
  • The Da Vinci Code
  • Samurai's Garden and more

    Favorite Time of Day: Evening

    Clothes: comfy ones

    Shoes: sneakers preferably

    Favorite Anime as of now: Naruto

    Favorite Manga as of now: uh..Naruto!