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So here it is..
((no hype))
((no gloss))
((no pretense))
*just me*

tHe BaSiCs:

NaMe: Erica... aka shorty, sexy baby, lesbian lover, twin, and anything else people feel like callin me lol

RePpIn: -mNr- in Dedham, MA... great place to live lol

StAtUs: taken... i love you Jim *4.12.03*
................---me n u... it dont get no better----

DoB: May 26th, 1987... if u cant do the math im 17

OcCuPaTiOn: Senior at Dedham High ((c/O 2o05 bAbY)), kids play area and cashierin @ Star Market, coach for the pop warner b team cheerleaders, and modeling at john casablancas & MTM *fun stuff*


~~>>SiGn ThE gUeStBoOk!!<<~~

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-RIP Chris M-