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The Game

It is 2000 years after Sailor Moon. Usagi (Serena) and Mamouru (Darien) have become the king and queen of the white moon and Chibi-Usa (Rini) is the heir to the throne. The scouts live in the Moon Palace but return to thier planet palaces once a month. All Humans live in peace with each other. Just after the defeat of Queen Beryl of the Negaverse 2000 years before, in the far reaches of the universe a messenger has just entered a large black throneroom in the likeness of Queen Beryl's throne room. He bows to a woman in a large, ice-like throne and her companion, a tall man in full armor, standing next to her. The messenger then hands the letter to the man in armor, who reads it and draws his sword. The woman takes the letter, reads it, then nods to her companion. The armored man advances on the messenger, brings his sword swiftly to the man's chest and shoves it through his heart before the messenger can even scream. The woman just laughs coldly, stands up and faces her court. With hands high, she silences the laugher caused by the messenger's death in the room. "My sister has been slain! We will take to the skys and take revenge for her death!" Back to 2000 years later and outside the solar system, there is a disturbance and a small planet appears. The world is covered in darkness and radiates a strange dark energy. It's orbit is erratic, so it cannot be followed for very long. The planet scouts have gathered in the Moon throne room and are discussing what to do about the new planet. Suddenly, a terrible explosion rocks the palace to it's foundations. Many people of the moon lie dead or wounded, and the survivors are in a panic. The scouts immediatly prep immediately for battle but a scream turns them back to the throne room. Chibi-Usa (Rini) is in the grip of a cruel looking woman and cannot escape. The woman turns to the scouts and laughs coldly. "Well, well, well. Look who we have here. A little brat who doesn't know how to watch her own back." She turns to the scouts. "So...You are the ones who killed my sister all those years ago. You will pay for your crime against my family! If you want your precious princess back," She shakes Chibi-Usa (Rini) roughly, "you will come to my palace!" The woman laughs coldly again and vanishes, taking Chibi-Usa (Rini) with her.

Game Updates

Part II: The Sailor Senshi were successful in the defeat of Cyndassa (Beryl's sister) and Draco (her guardian) after a lond a hard battle. Now, a new evil faces the unknowing scouts. The Ash Queen is beginning to form a plot and Cyndassa's not too thrilled with the scouts. Becuase she never did get her revenge, she is currently trying to enlist another to help her in her fight. Along with the this new evil, new scouts and warriors have arrived to help with the upcoming battle. The question is, with an evil queen and pissed off sorceress, are the scouts strong enough to win?

Part III: Cyndassa finds her brigade and teams with the Ash Queen, although the two have some inner conflicts. Through the aid and power of Sailor Aquarmarine and Illusia, the Ash Queen met her demise. Her history is still mysterious to the lingering senshi. The only evil left to face was that of the unsatisfied sorceress, Cyndassa. However, over time the true person behind the revenge seeking sister was unvieled to Sailor Mercury. Draco, though loyal to his lady, risked revealling the information to the smart senshi. He wittingly hid himself, though. It turns out Cyndassa had once been a loyalist of the Moon Kingdom, the royal advisor to the Moon Kingdom. The evil that grew within her was not without her own aid, for what preyed on her certainly found the negativity needed to live. The Daemon, Metallia, took Cyndassa's body as a host to fromulate a plan to end the Moon Kingdom and kill the scouts. The more power they used to fight against the daemon, the more power it gained. Soon enough, Metallia is extracted from Cyndassa's body and the sorceress is left unconscious from lack of energy. At this point, Draco teams up with the scouts, only in defense of his lady. After much sweat and blood as already poured, the scouts finally defeat the daemon, but not without repercussions, of course. This is Sailor Moon! Nothing ends! ^_^

Part IV: After the last battle, Sailor Moon was forced to send all that was living in the Moon Kingdom to the future. Several centuries later. All that was involved in the final battle is just beginning to awaken, lurking evil as well... ^o^


Sailor Senshi Role Playing Game/ The Game Mistress.
© Layout by Angel_Online.
© Layout at Day Dream Graphics.