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Back On My Feet Again

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Some links were totally Removed from the Internet to Hide the Truth. By reading the Articles you will see  many Contradictions.


Samih Ossaily

     The official Site.        

 The so-called Al-Qaeda Link with Antwerp & Diamonds.

For everyone that doesn't know me, here's a small introduction. I am Belgian and originally Lebanese. I was born and raised in Koïdu Town, Sierra Leone. This is one of the richest diamond mining areas of Sierra Leone. My father was a diamond dealer and I started doing rough diamond business from a very early age. I've always worked within the African continent. I've been coming to Belgium since I was a very young boy and I lived here for over 20 years. I never really lived in Lebanon, in total I spent there only 5 years. I was married for 7 years to a Belgian woman and had two children with her. A very ugly custody battle turned in to a battle against the world.


It all started by my ex-wife in the battle for visitation right of my 2 children. She told the judge that I was a terrorist and he ordered an investigation. She wants at all costs the full custody of the children but she never knew the consequences of those words. Especially with September 11, it became bigger than she could ever dream of.
  Not long after, on November 2nd, 2001 this article was published. 
Al-Qaeda cash tied to diamond trade by Douglas Farah, The Washington Post, November 2, 2001(English)
Really, the first time that I read this article, I laughed! I couldn't believe that it was actually me that they were talking about, 90% of this article is not true (Just as if  my Ex-wife had a meeting with Farah Douglas). Check and double check is not anymore a part of a journalists vocabulary! They hear a word and make up a story that they call freedom of speech! All what Farah Douglas did was playing words and changing names. There is no following line in the story and he jumps from one thing to another.  It never had anything to do with the truth what so ever.

The International Peace Information Service, based in Antwerp under Johan Peleman, analyzed the article and tried to clear up the missing parts.
Antwerp, Blamed again by Christian Dietrich and Peter Dansaert, IPIS &, November 16, 2001(English)
Johan Peleman is also a weapons expert and a representative for the United Nations.

Douglas Farah admit to me personally that he had no proof or bases for his article and promised me that he would make a new and correct article. The new article came but there was no sign of correction. Surprise, surprise!
Digging up Congo's dirty gems by Farah Douglas, December 30, 2001 (English) 
Farah was interrogated by the High Diamond Council (HRD) about what he wrote in the article. He answered again that he doesn't have any foundation to base himself on. Meaning, no proof, no evidence and a sincere (hum) apology to the HRD. But this one we are still waiting for.

Mean while Johan Peleman was Interviewed by De Standaard on the 5th of  January 2002 and was asked the following question: Last month, Antwerp made the international news when the Washington Post reported that Usama Bin Ladin's al-Qa'ida network had laundered terror money through the Antwerp diamond market what is your comment? 

Peleman answered the following: The article was published at the time that our (UN) panel presented its report on Liberia in New York. All at once, all questions were about Bin Ladin. At that time, I said I had no data corroborating the report. Some NGOs (nongovernmental organizations) were annoyed at me because of this. They said I had missed a unique opportunity to get blood diamonds on top of the political agenda (Peleman laughs -- De Standaard editor's note). But I am an expert, and not a politician. The Washington Post reporter has since visited me, and I have to admit: I think it is more than just an unfounded rumor. Yet it remains difficult to find evidence: There are no fingerprints on diamonds. That is why it is such an attractive investment for Mafiosi and warring parties. During the civil war in Lebanon, entire militias were financed via money-laundering operations in Sierra Leone.

(Click here for Johan Peleman full interview)

Belgian senate Parliamentary research commission,  HRD Audition January 11, 2002 (French, Dutch) PDF

 Belgian senate Parliamentary research commission, Christian Dietrich Audition January 11, 2002(French, English, Dutch)    

Belgian senate Parliamentary research commission, HRD Audition June 21, 2002 (French, Dutch) PDF (Search For OSSAILY)

In the session of January 11, 2002 high people in the diamond world were skeptical about my involvement in any terrorist organization. Peter Meeus from the HRD said that in the investigation from the United Nations showed that there is no link found with Al-Qaeda. This investigation sent 5 people to 10 different African countries spread over a period of  18 months. He mentioned that Johan Peleman does not believe that there is a connection between me and  Al-Qaeda. If the Belgian court has more information it would come as a surprise for him. This already shows the contradiction to Farah's articles and the Contradiction of other individuals.

The NGO Global Witness also did an investigation and published a report without talking to me first. Conclusion, a lot of air but still nothing concrete, just as the official report (can't be specified for security reasons). Global witness tried hard but not hard enough, again they admit making many mistakes and they promised me a correction but until now, nothing. (Who would have guessed!)
For a few dollars more: How Al-Qaeda moved into the diamond trade by Global Witness, may 2003.(English) PDF

On April 11, 2002 I was arrested and I spent 15 months in prison. I still don't know why. Until today I didn't see any proof or evidence against me. The day they show me what I did wrong I will accept it but never before that. The Belgian court kept me incarcerated under pressure of the United States. This is what the Belgian vice- minister of foreign affairs said in a TV program on RTBF, Au nom de la loi: Les Armes du diamant, June 4, 2003.  Suddenly no one knows anymore why they had to arrest me in the first place. But hey, that's ok, the only thing it did to me was that I can't see my children and my name will always be linked with Al-Qaeda.

More than one of my fundamental rights were violated in Belgium,  a country that is supposed to be democratic, a country that is supposed to have a good legal system and qualified judges and magistrates. It's a joke! They have the power to do whatever they want or feel like.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, December 10, 1948(English) 
I have contacted several people and organizations such as the
Human Rights organizations, embassies (I am originally Lebanese with Belgian citizenship). No one could do anything and actually until today I am still waiting to hear from them. 
How can I ever proof my innocence if no one wants to listen to me. I can shout as loud as I can, no one will listen. The worst part is that I'm not alone in this struggle. My family is also affected, having the name Ossaily is not so common anymore. The closest people to me were dragged down together with me and there is nothing I can do about it. They tried to break me and maybe they broke everything around me but they will never break my spirit, my character and my person.
They made a very big mistake in choosing me as an example. I will fight for an acquittal!


One of million reasons why I never worked for Al-Qaeda and never will. I am a Shiite Muslim. During the occupation of Afghanistan by the Russians, Osama Bin Laden eliminated and murdered as many Shiites as he possibly could. How could I ever work for someone who killed my people? How can I ever betray my family's religion?
If he ever  invested in diamonds to assure his wealth, it had nothing to do with me what so ever!

During the first house search from the Federal Police I was in Lebanon. My father had been suffering from liver cancer for the last year and he passed away in February 2002. My fiancée called to tell me that she had a visit from the police. I had no idea at all what was going on and I left my fathers' funeral to find out. Question: If I really did a crime, would I come back to Belgium? Would I not stay right where I was, in Lebanon? After Douglas Farah's Propaganda failed he tried to flame again this story by the last article he published. 

Al-Qaida Tied to Africa Diamonds Trade. By Douglas Farah The Washington Post 30 December 2002 ( English)


The most important thing for me is that I can show my children, whom I didn't see for 4 years, the truth. That I am not the terrorist and criminal that people made me. They know I was in prison but they don't know I'm innocent. The day I will see my precious children, I will have to explain why all this happened to me and why it caused for them to miss their father. It will not be easy but I have the documents and paperwork to proof that what I say is true.


The full and complete story will be published in my book after the trial. By the end of 2004 this should be finished and than everyone will know the ending of this Media war.

Seeking A Sponsor To Continue My Book


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Nora V - 24.01.2004 

After the question « What is the difference between Conflict Diamonds and Blood Diamonds? » I got a response that there is no way to find out because not conflict neither blood Diamonds are mentioned in the dictionary. Did you hear about them before 9/11? Not me! Of course it’s not in the dictionary!
Just like the word terrorism it is something suddenly everyone talks about. It wouldn’t surprise me neither that terrorism is also not in the dictionary! All of a sudden everything has to do with terrorism and even honest and hard working people are locked up as terrorists because their trade could possible have something to do with financing or contributing to a terrorist organization.
This whole ‘witch hunt’ is a political game where George W Bush has control of. Samih Ossaily  is someone who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, that doesn’t mean that he is a terrorist! That’s why it is very dangerous to base yourself on the media in such stories. Journalists don’t know the criminal file at all and of course they prefer to write about the most sensational story first.
If it has to go about diamonds, I ask myself the question if anyone ever before was convicted of breaking a UN Embargo. If I understand correctly, than the embargo on Liberia was affected on 07/05/2001, one month after Ossaily was back in Belgium. How can he be convicted than? And still, the moment that conflict Diamonds are brought into e.g. Belgium they are declared by the customs. From the moment they are declared, they become official Diamonds and are even supported by the government.
Anyone in their right mind should stand against the charges of Samih Ossaily because it is obviously a political strategy to win the economical war. Belgium has enough economical problems that we shouldn’t welcome the people that want to make it worse. Maybe it will all become clear when the World Diamond Center is not located anymore next to the Antwerp City Park but next to Central Park in New York.

 Anyone who has a little bit of insight in the religion knows that those two do not get along! As well Bin Laden as Saddam Hussein, who is a Sunni Muslim, killed as many Shiites as possible. Would you work for your enemy? Not me !
Anyway, don’t be too fast in believing what the media tells you to believe because more than half is made up. From my own experience I know that most journalists just write what they think people want to hear or read.

Don’t be in the category of people who in 5 years will say that 10 years ago 3000 African children under the age of 6 died from starvation because than it will be too late (as usual). Today so many people believe that the so-called terrorists are for real. In 1954 there was a man who believed the earth was flat. He tried to convince many people of his believe but not too long after he had to admit the earth was round because he saw the proofs in front of him. Not long from now, many people will admit that Samih Ossaily is innocent. 

I received a link from someone who believes that Samih Ossaily is guilty. A link to an article of Amnesty International. I did not look for the article because I don’t believe that those days Amnesty Int’l does what they are supposed to do, which is help people. Why didn’t they help Samih Ossaily when he was in prison for 15 months? Watch it, everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Why did they take it upon them selves to take on the duties of a judge? Which right do they have to take away someone else’s right?

To close up, I have one more question mark. People doubt if there is a difference between conflict Diamonds and blood Diamonds. Is there a difference between conflict Diamonds and Blood oil?


'Freedom's just another word for nothing left to loose' J.J.


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