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Sail The World


Hello everybody, and welcome to the Sail the world website hosted by My name is Jim, and I made this site to ask the world for help. It is my hopes that by asking for a small donation from a great many people that my dreams will come true.

There are a lot of sites out there that ask you to give them your hard earned dollar so they don’t have to work for it. Well I hope I can explain why this is different. I want to work for I get. I want to make my dreams come true on my own. The thing is, for what I want to do I am going to need help. If I do all this on my own I will be a very old man by the time my dream comes true. I am about 30 years old. I am employed, I don’t make great money but I get by. I made some bad choices when I was younger and destroyed my credit. I am glad to say that I am almost debt free. Aside from a few hospital bills I have pretty much reached my goal of paying back my debts. I can’t even begin to explain how good it feels to climb out of such a financial hole. But to sum it up. WHOOOO HOOOO! He he. Anywho, back to business. Even if the world does not help me out I am going to keep going after my dreams and reach another goal. It is my hopes that the people of the world could help me reach it wile I am still young enough to really do it.


The different links on the top of the page will explain what I want to do and what I need. Any help would be greatly appreciated. And for those who can’t help or do not wish to help, Thanks for you time. And thank for at least looking over my site.

Many Blessings,
