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23/01/05 Sunday 00:35am

This feeling is too much!!! i dont know how to let it out! except slamming at the keyboard and not bothering to check the typos. its day and night and close to obsession. I tried my whole wardrobe for you.. the clothes pile up like mountains. and the money i spent on trying to dress better for you. Everything is you. and you are everything. but why? i dunt even noe you. why why why. its so weird that this unexplainable sudden feeling comes over you and takes you over completely. youre taking me over. over and over. i wanna break your heart and give you mine. but im so afraid... im so nervous. im so.. terrified... now i feel like crying.. i keep having these urges. becos i get so caught up in doing things for you. Im thinking of u. when i dun even noe you. my mind just thinks of all the possible times we will meet and i will just keep picturing your reactions to diff conversations we might have. but i cant say that i dont wanna be like tt too. cos i really like you. im not sure how long this will carry on... but im not hoping to carry on as a pathetic admirer... i hope you will like me too. ikm not despo.. its not just any any body than i can except... its only you... walking on the street i will start to compare all the guys with you. they are nothing. i feel like smashing up my guitar... i really feel like doing it... im really against the idea of having a blogggggg....... cos i think its just people trying to publicise their life. but now im writing here just to let out my feelings... im not counting on anyone to read this. its just my diary... im so confused now... in every aspect in my life... i really want you to help me sort it out. if u are a mean person... i wil be so disappointed!!!!!! i am banking on it that you are a good guy. i really cant wait to talk to you. but i have to overcome myself first. i definitely cant talk when im blushing all over!!! and im not used to talking to guys and will end up saying things that i ill regret or doing stupid actions that i regret. i hope i wont embarass myself. cos u really mean alot. pls try and get to know me too. my name is wendy.