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Pink Cookie's Anime Forest

school is back and well not much has changed here. this place moves slower then slugs in a bucket. who uh thunk that. anyway, nothing new to report. i was just stoppin by to say hello and wipe off some dust that might have collected here from the lack of attention. i know we dont have any fans yet but i wish there was a soul out there who would stop by. bye.

Yo, mr.BlackCat here. It's the holidays. So..... we wont be working on the site. In other words, PinkCookie and Mr.BlackCat is taking a vacation!
Have fun, and Happy Trailings.Seasons Greetings.

oh plus both PinkCookie and Mr.BlackCat's computers are broken.hehe

If you are not one of us... Innocent one, Mr. Black Cat, Happy Chicken, Petty Coat, Mrs. Potter, or Pink Cookie, then LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!I know you won't leave even though that I said that but it was worth a try, anyhow if you are gonna stick around I will call you go away I hate you or G.O.A.I.H.Y. Hmnn that doesn't really work out too well I guess I could shorten it...G.A.Y. That stands for anyone that is not me or my friends. Well bye now... Feel free to click on the links unless your G.A.Y. of course.

Mr. Black Cat is going on vacation... Cat is, lets just say, somewhat overworked....... I will work on my page though so check for updates..^.^

PinkCookie's Anime Forest

Mr.BlackCat's Anime Cave

SoulTaker's Anime Cafe

Petty Coat's Bar

Gaia Online anime roleplaying community