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A Broken Mind

Standing at 6' even, Raziel is a medium build... Har so black that it shimmers blue flows down, breaking right before his shoulders. Defined facial features project a serious aura. He is generally seen in his brown hooded cloak with his brown leather sailor boots on. His shirt is white with a dusty tinge to it. His pants, also a drab brown color, are slightly baggy. His belt holds a long bastardsword in a sheath on his left side, which is easily accesable by his right hand. He sports a wicked looking dagger tucked into his belt on his right side. He is adept in using the bastardsword, which he is remarkably agile with, considering its apparent size. He has his left ear peirced twice with hoops. He wears beads in his hair and usually wears a red bandana over his forehead. Raziel is the Captain of the Nebula, a Galleon currently docked in the city of Altimeya, unless he is out on it, of course.


The World of Kiltra
The GATE, Raziel's current Employeer