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Red Sky...Blue Hopes


Info: Name:Ragorn Agera Age:17 Height: 5 feet 11 inches Weight: 195 lb. Sex: Male Race: Human Hair color: Dark red and two blue streaks Eye color: Brown Attire: Black or red leather pants, Boots, black sleeveless shirt, red or black leather trench coat, sunglasses, head band, red hat(sometimes), a silver ring with a red eye, and a silver crucifix necklace. Weapons: An ancient forged sword and two guns (a RDF-33 and a DY357 magnum). Profile:Ragorn is a traveler who has no home. His travels have taken him to many places in earth and the underworld. In the past he has been a bouncer, hunter and slayer. He knows a lot about vampires and has slain many of them, but still he holds nothing against them. Those who have had the chance of seen him fight can tell that he's peerless. He disaproves killing and kills only when it is absolutely nessecary. He has been studying the arts of swordsmanship and gunmanship since he was a child. Ragorn's abilities are not that of a normal human being; his blood-line traces back to the ancient warriors who have kept the balance of good and evil since the begining of time. He has a vast knowledge about the tactics of war and fighting. Hand-to-hand combat is his forte, but most of the times he uses his weapons. His sword is an ancient forged sword named The Forsaken Divinity. He uses two hand guns one a powerful DY357 Magnum with silver high intensity bullets and a high-tech gun named RDF-33 that has a firing rate of 5 shots per second and the ability to hold 100 shots per magazine. These are his three favorite but he holds an infinite number of weapon in his silver ring. The ring acts as a storing place for all kind of imaginable weapons, the ring was passed to Ragorn by his father and it had been held by the powerful warriors since the beginings of time, the legend says that it was a gift from God given to them to protect the earth. Ragorn also has a second family heirloom, his necklace with the figure of flaming dragon. This necklace holds an incredible power, a power that Ragorn still doesn't completely understand. Personality: Usually serious and kind of gloomy. Doesn't really socialize but he likes good conversations. Doesn't like too much violence and is completely against killing. He can be quite funny at times and is even clumsy when it come to the every day life, such as cooking. Not good in showing emotions but that doesn't keep him from saying what he is thinking.
