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A Junior`s Blog, Romance, and Rejection
Tuesday, 7 October 2003
No more blogs.
This site if fucking pissing me off. My new blog is at Xanga. The web address is:

Posted by moon/practical_magick at 3:15 PM EDT
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Monday, 6 October 2003
I know this is corny, but I`m putting it on here. I like it.
Molly and I came up with a title for it. I had called it "Love Letter", but she came up with, "The Rules of Love, and Why Guys Like Girls"
I like her title better.

Article 1:

Statement of Love:
The Kiss

Kiss on the hand
I adore you

Kiss on the cheek
I just want to be friends

Kiss on the neck
I want you

Kiss on the lips
I love you

Kiss on the ears
I am just playing

Kiss anywhere else
lets not get carried away

Look in your eyes
kiss me

Playing with your hair
I can't live without you

Hand on your waist
I love you to much to let you go

Article 2:
The Three Steps

If any guys gets fresh with you, slap him.

If any girl slaps you, her intentions are still good.

Guys &Girls
Close your eyes when kissing, it is rude to stare.

Article 3:
The Commandments

Thou shall not squeeze
too hard.

Thou shall not ask for a kiss,
but take one.

Thou shall kiss
at every opportunity.

* Remember *
A peach is a peach
A plum is a plum,
A kiss isn't a kiss
Without some tongue.
So open up your mouth
close your eyes,
and give your tongue
some exercise!!!

Here are a few reasons
why guys like girls:

They will always smell good
even if its just shampoo

The way their heads always
find the right spot on our shoulder

How cute they look when they sleep

The ease in which they fit into our arms

T he way they kiss you and
all of a sudden everything
is right in the world

How cute they are when they eat

The way they take hours
to get dressed
but in the end
it makes it all worth while

Because they are always
warm even when its minus 30 outside

The way they look good
no matter what they wear

The way they fish for compliments
even though you both know that you
think she's the most
beautiful thing on this earth

How cute they are when they argue

The way her hand always finds yours

The way they smile

The way you feel
when you see their name
on the call ID
after you just had a big fight

The way she says
"lets not fight anymore"
even though you know that
an hour later....

The way they kiss when
you do something nice for them

The way they kiss you
when you say
"I love you"

Actually ...
just the way they kiss you...

The way they fall into your arms
when they cry

Then the way they apologize
for crying over something that silly

The way they hit you
and expect it to hurt

Then the way they apologize
when it does hurt.
(even though we don't admit it)!

The way they say
"I miss you"

The way you miss them

The way their tears
make you want to
change the world
so that it
doesn't hurt her anymore.....
Yet regardless
if you love them,
hate them,
wish they would die
know that you would die
without them ...
it matters not.
Because once in your life,
whatever they were to the world
they become everything to you.
When you look them in the eyes,
traveling to
the depths of their souls
you say a million things
without trace of a sound,
you know that your own life
is inevitable consumed
within the rhythmic beatings
of her very heart.
We love them for a million reas ons,
No paper would do it justice.
It is a thing not of the mind
but of the heart.
A feeling.
Only felt.

~Alanna Whitestar~

Posted by moon/practical_magick at 8:03 PM EDT
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So, my sister was talking about crunches. That`s what the title means. Man, I think that I`m gonna finish "The Bone Collector"... or, start it over. It`s a really good movie. I`m hoping to invite some... or one friend over to watch it with me. I have a person or two in mind, but one of them is grounded, so, I`ll ask the other one. I just have to do so now. :P Well, ttfn!
~Alanna Whitestar~

Posted by moon/practical_magick at 5:24 PM EDT
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hello all
Hi whats up?
nm. jc. I`m working on learning how to play the cup game. and any of you who kno lindz, kno what the cup came is. :P Well, all for now, back to learning the cup game. :P
XP *kiss*
~Alanna Whitestar~

Posted by moon/practical_magick at 3:54 PM EDT
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Hi all.
Damnit! My hair still smells like wood smoke. YUCK! Now, to explain that last sentance. Well, at my dad`s last night, for dinner, he cooked Venison Stew and Dumplins over the fire. And I was in charge of keeping the fire. And, I don`t know how much you know about fire, but when you sit in front of it for over 2 hours, you`re gonna smell like wood smoke. Anywho, I washed my hair with this shampoo that smells good this morning and it STILL smells like wood smoke! Oh well. Today is pajama day at school. For, on Friday, we have our big rival game against Maumee. I had intended to go, but I don`t think that I will. Last year, my friend got her jaw broken by some Maumee kidz. Although having my jaw broken would save me from having the dentist do it, I don`t relish the idea. :P I`m gonna wear my pentacle today. I`m tired of hearing people discuss their faith and not being able to join in because I`m hiding my faith, afraid what people will say. I`m not gonna do it any more. I`m coming out of the "broom closet" as we Wiccans like to say. And if your affended by this, well too fucking bad. Cause it`s who I am. And I don`t intend to change. For anyone. Well, maybe soemone who comes along in my life will make me want to go back into the "broom closet". And maybe I`ve already met that person. Maybe not. Who knows?
:X *kisses*
~Alanna Whitestar~

Posted by moon/practical_magick at 6:20 AM EDT
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Sunday, 5 October 2003
i got to go to the lib... yay me!
I get to write~ Well, to all of you Michigan fans, I`ll be dissapointed if you`re not as pissed off as I am. Wtf was they`re problem?!?!?! I`m gone. Blown away by that game. Oh well. I`m supposed to be doing research so, i`ll write more when i get home tonight. And for all who care, I will be on tonight. :P
~Alanna Whitestar~

Posted by moon/practical_magick at 12:31 PM EDT
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Friday, 3 October 2003
I`m p.o.ed
I`m pissed off. My dad is like late. So, I thought that I would write again. It looks like rain. I want it to rain. My dad`s here. g2g. ttyl!
~Alanna Whitestar~

Posted by moon/practical_magick at 5:07 PM EDT
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Last blog for the weekend. My dad doesn`t want us online because of that Blaster Bug. Or whatever. It`s a pain. Oh well. I can still call all u crazy people. And when I say CRAZY, I mean CRAZY. :P Well, my dad will be here soon. I g2r~
oXoXoXoXo *Hugz and Kisses*
~Alanna Whitestar~

Posted by moon/practical_magick at 3:43 PM EDT
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Good Morning Starshine...
The Earth says hello! It twinkles above us, we twinkle below.
Anywho, What`s up people. I had an inquiry on my last blog as to which kind of car that I have. I can tell you with all honesty that I don`t remember. I was told, but I can`t seem to remember. I`ve never seen it. All I know is that it`s white. Yup, keep on laughing. :P I`m freezing. I wanna crawl back into bed right now, but unfortunately I have to go to school. I`ll be at my dad`s this weekend. hehehehehe. If u kno for sure that you still wanna call me, call my house, my mom`ll give you the number... (or just wait for me to call) It`s freezing!!!!!!!! My hands are like ice. Oh well. Have you ever seen "Pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" ? I have. It`s an awesome movie. I wouldn`t mind seeing it again in fact. well, ttfn!
~Alanna Whitestar~

Posted by moon/practical_magick at 6:22 AM EDT
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Thursday, 2 October 2003
What`s Up?
What`s up peeps?
NMH. Mandy wants me to come over. I would, xcept tht there`s two problems with only having your temps. One, I can only drive with a liscenced (spelling?) And, that my parents won`t help pay for a car until I`m a liscensed driver. Yes, all you people with HOTT rides can laugh at me. I do actually have a car. It`s older than me, it`s been sitting in a garage for five years, and it`s in Minneapolis. Yup, keep laughing. :P Oh well. ttfn!
~Alanna Whitestar~

Posted by moon/practical_magick at 3:45 PM EDT
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