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Introduction For centuries, sleep and dreams have been widely used in the magickal/spiritual practices of many cultures. Many feel that dreams reveal much to the dreamer and, sometimes, if one focuses their mind hard enough, one can change their life or, better yet, find their "direction" in life through their dreams. Since even science hasn't been able to explain away all the mystery regarding sleep and dreams, old fears and ideas about our "nightly adventures" remain today. Just saunter on down to your local bookstore or page through a current magazine on "psychic" phenomena. There are tons of stuff on how to lucid dream, how to interpret your dreams, how to keep away nightmares, tell the future through dreams, etc. Sometimes there's so much "stuff" it's hard to separate the wheat from the chaff. In this page, I'm going to deal with the little known practice of Dream craft; a practice within Wicca in which one uses their dreams to bring about needed change and accomplish specific goals. Just keep in mind that my "expertise" is on the spiritual side of dreams. My spiritual practices, beliefs, etc. may or may not reflect your own. For starters, I will go into just a general description/ over-view of what Dream craft is... Most of us who keep a dream diary or journal already do some Dream craft. A dream craft-y person (practitioner) recalls their dreams and records them, either by writing them out in notebook form or recording them on audiotape, in order to later study and analyze them. Dreams have a lot to say about us and the way we perceive our world. By studying the Images in our dreams, we can come to a better understanding of ourselves and our world. Sometimes we can weed out specific information from our dreams, which we can use to help us deal with a situation or resolve a problem. And what better way to deal with what bothers us than by "sleeping on it?" Have you ever, before going to sleep or while in the process of daydreaming, successfully recalled an image of a friend, place, or specific sensation (such as a scent, taste, or sound) and were actually able to re-experience that image/sensation without actually "experiencing" it? This is Creative Visualization and it is the key to all magickal operations/ practices, especially so in Dream craft. Thinking visually is natural for us, but focusing on your visual Images is a bit harder. Dream craft practitioners, through meditation and actual dreaming, recall and concentrate on a specific image that represents a person, place, thing, or situation which they wish to gain insight on. Through this visual "focusing", they can program their minds into re-experiencing a dream or real life event. The benefits of this are practical: in order to have power over our "inner-enemies" (which are our problems, insecurities, obstacles, etc.) we must name them and know them and not allow ourselves to walk "blindly" through life where we won't be able to learn from them and resolve them. When we are faced with a situation where normal answers fail and frustration sets in, the last resort most of us turn to is the realm of the Spirit (this is where prayer comes in--where we appeal to that which is higher than us for guidance and intervention). To a magickal person (such as myself), dreams are an invaluable spiritual and practical resource of helpful information. In dreams all physical laws and worldly logic are set aside. It is here, in The Dreaming, that we can produce the most change--this is what Magick (not the Disney "magic") is all about. Anything is possible within our dreams. Use this power! The main point of Dream craft is to gain insight on life, confront that which perplexes us, change our perception of "what's going on" to "what's _really_ going on", and do something about it in waking life. Dream Dictionary A~Z Acid Is something "eating away" at you in your waking life? Or have you been doing this to someone you know? Advice This is probably a message from your subconscious. Or, if you were giving advice to someone in your dream, maybe you should give him or her some in waking life. Airplanes Because of their associations with "big trips," traveling on airplanes frequently symbolizes change, transitions, and attempts to "reach new destinations" in our lives. Destinations commonly include a desired career status—higher salary, responsibility or recognition—or social status, such as marriage or a committed relationship. Plane "crashes," loss of power, and trouble in flight are common dreams that typically reflect uncertainty about reaching one or more of these destinations. If a dreamer possesses a fear of flying, the dreams may reflect literal anxieties prior to a trip, or when a child is traveling. The dreams should not be interpreted as precognitive. Anchor - Could this be showing you that you're "tied down" in life? Or maybe it's telling you that you need some stability in your life. Angel Guidance, truth, wisdom. Armor May be trying to show you that you have put up barriers around yourself. Or it could be referring to protection. Attacked Dreams of being attacked typically represent feelings of being attacked, emotionally, in our waking lives. If we are able to identify the attacker in our dreams, we will learn who —or what— is causing us the distress. Is the attacker someone we know? If so, we are alerted that we feel threatened (emotionally) by this person. Other common attack dreams— a man or woman being chased by males at night, someone shooting us or attacking us with a knife— may reflect literal fears of violence or vulnerability. If we resist and stand up to our attackers it is a positive sign of self-confidence and assertion. If we are attacked and are unable to defend ourselves, this reflects a feeling of powerless against whomever or whatever our attacker represents. Attackers may also represent internal struggles—"battles" with drug, alcohol, or food addictions, for example, that a person "just can’t beat." Attackers may also represent social pressures to conform. Baby Babies in dreams often reflect literal concerns about the birth cycle and the responsibilities of parenthood. If these conditions are not present or relevant to the dreamer’s life (a parent whose children already are grown, for example) the appearance of babies or dreams of giving birth may function as a metaphor for a new phase of one’s life or a developing aspect of the personality. Babies may also symbolize a new venture or that something that seems "small" may have a lot of value after all. Disappearing babies: Common dream in the wake of an abortion, miscarriage, or actual death of a child. The baby is present, but then suddenly disappears. Abandoned babies: Common dream among women who are not yet prepared for the responsibilities of motherhood. In the dream a baby is present, but the dreamer shows a willful disregard for the child. The dreamer is resisting social pressures to have children, or may fear an accidental pregnancy for which she is unprepared due to career, financial, or emotional reasons. Neglected babies: Common dream among young mothers, reflecting literal anxieties about the responsibilities of motherhood. In more experienced mother’s dreams of neglected babies may symbolize neglect of relationship with one’s partner, (the fruit of the relationship). Also can symbolize neglect of oneself: Dreamer is not caring for one’s inner child. Balance This may indicate the need for balance in your life. Balloon If you let your balloon go, it may mean that you are letting something, such as good ideas, escape you. It could possibly indicate coming freedoms (if you let it go and felt good about it). Are you full of "hot air"? Bath Cleansing and purifying of old ideas. Maybe you need to rid yourself of something. Bathroom Common setting in dreams for feelings relating to shame and "release of private emotions." If a dreamer searches for a toilet but can not find a private location (all the shower stalls are exposed, or strangers are present causing the dreamer to be uncomfortable) the dream may indicate fear of expressing one’s "private behaviors" in public. If the toilet area is filthy or flooded, with the toilet bowl backed up or otherwise not functioning, difficulty "eliminating" emotions—a blockage—is indicated. Does the dreamer try to "control" his or her emotions too much? Dreams of searching for a bathroom to urinate may reflect actual pressures upon one’s bladder during sleep. Do you have to go when you wake up? Defecation dreams also are common in the aftermath of lover’s quarrels and other, intense arguments. Do you feel that someone has been "dumping all their crap" on you? Beach - Symbolic location in dreams for release of unconscious feelings and awareness. Beaches are locations where terra firma (conscious aspects of the psyche) meets water (unconscious feelings and awareness’.) If your dream is set upon a beach, ask yourself what emotional issue, hinted at by the dream, is requesting your acknowledgement? Beach dreams often are associated with periods of emotional transition. Previously "submerged" unconscious material is being brought to the surface of awareness. Bear Is there something you are being forced to "bear" in the present? Bed This could be a sexual symbol. Or maybe you are putting something to rest, or should be. Beggar Is there something you need in waking life? This probably indicates that there is something lacking in your life. Betrayal Dreams of betrayal in a romantic relationship typically represent emotional feelings of insecurity, or literal fears of infidelity. If the betrayal occurs in a business context, one may be concerned about being lied to or defrauded by a partner. Betrayal dreams often occur for years in the wake of actual betrayals by real life partners. Bicycle If a bicycle is a frequent mode of transportation in the dreamer’s daily life, the bicycle may represent the self—much as cars represent the self for car owners. If balancing the bicycle is difficult, it may symbolize a need for increased balance in one’s waking life. Bicycles also—due to the rhythmic motion made while riding them—can be metaphors for sexual activity. Bird If the bird was caged, maybe that represents how you or someone in your life feels. Do you need more freedom? Birds that are in flight can represent new freedoms. Birth Frequently a literal representation anticipatory of actual childbirth, common among women of all ages. Can be a symbol of rebirth in one’s own life, new beginnings, and of one’s inner child. Can be a symbol of new ideas or a new situation. Bite It may be warning you not to bite off more than you can chew. Of course it really depends who or what was bitten in the dream. Maybe you should bite your tongue about something. Blessing Your subconscious may be telling you to go ahead with some form of action. Blind Blindness and difficulty seeing in dreams are common metaphors for "difficulty seeing clearly" in real life. Are you turning a "blind eye" to an emotional issue or problem? If we dream a friend, business partner or relative is blind or can not see clearly, (or has lost her glasses or contact lenses, etc.) we may perceive a weakness or area of naiveté in this person. Blood If you are losing blood, perhaps you are feeling "drained" in waking life. It also symbolizes energy and vitality. Or it could have something to do with your health at present. Boat Maybe you were "rocking the boat", and this could be indicative of your waking life. Or maybe you are floating on "a sea of tranquility" at present. If it was stormy, it may also point to something in your life. Voyage of life. Bomb Something "explosive" may be getting ready to happen in your life. Books Knowledge or learning opportunities. Box You may be feeling as if you are being "boxed in". Or maybe you are being protected from outside influences. Brakes Brakes are instruments of control. If the brakes in a car, bus, train, airplane or other vehicle do not work, it is a sign we feel like we are out of control in our lives. Bread It could refer to money. Bread is often thought of as the most basic sustaining force of life. Bride Frequently a literal representation of anticipated matrimony. If the bride has no face, this indicates the identity of one’s future mate is uncertain or unknown. If a fiancée fails to appear at the altar, this may be a common "wedding anxiety" dream, or it may signal doubts about the success of the marriage. Brides in dreams can also represent marriages of businesses, new job opportunities, or a new career direction. Bridge Symbol of transition. Bridges take us from one location to another, usually across a body of water. If you dream of bridges, you may be in transition in your life. Do you successfully cross the bridge? Bridge can also symbolize transition between life and death. You may be in a period of transition. Maybe you need to "build a bride" between two elements in your life. Bricks Something may be being built up in your life. Strength. Protection. Bulldozer Perhaps you are "bulldozing your way through life". Or maybe you need to rid yourself of old ideas and get a new beginning. Burglar Do you feel as if something is being taken from you in waking life? This could be a sign of an enemy plotting mischief seeking to disrupt your life. Bus A vehicle for transportation generally perceived to be larger, slower, and more cumbersome than an automobile. Represents collective action or moving with the crowd. Candle Wisdom and understanding. If the flame is burning, then maybe the way is being lit for you, or it may have religious significance. If your candle burns out and leaves you in darkness, maybe it is showing you that there is something you need to work on in your life. Candy It may show that you are being too self-indulgent. Cane Support. Maybe you are helping someone out in waking life, or it may be showing you that you are being helped. Captain Someone older or with more experience. It may be a symbol of guidance or power. Cattle Are you "following the herd"? Maybe you should try being a little more individual. Cars Common symbol of the self, the "the direction we are headed in our lives." A more immediate symbol than planes and trains and ships (which indicate larger concerns and transitions) due to its ubiquity in everyday living. Cars with no brakes, poor steering or limited visibility almost always are important warning dreams about feeling out of control in one’s life, and of being "unable to see the future." Notice the arrangement of passengers in the vehicle. If you are a passenger, it suggests that you are allowing "someone else" to steer or direct your life. Also significant is the condition of the car. New cars indicate a new status in your life—pregnancy, career advancement, or a new role as mother, father, or marriage. Dreams of car accidents, as a rule, should not be considered literally precognitive. They are considered to be reflections of emotional "loss of control" however, which likely will be reflected in excessive behaviors and erratic decisions in waking life. Cave Are you "in the dark" about something? Or maybe you are being sheltered from something. Cat Feminine symbol often associated with feminine mystery. (Cats are holy animals in Egyptian, Persian, Scandinavian, Greek, and Japanese cultures.) Cats may represent the anima or feminine aspects of either a man or a woman’s personality. Cats also can be associated with a woman’s sexuality. For example, if a cat is aggressive, scratches you, or jumps on you, it may indicate difficulty with your sexuality, or mixed feelings regarding your desire for children. Cats hold a particularly strong association to babies in women’s dreams. Women often dream of "birthing" cats! Celebrities Often a symbol of desire or need for recognition, attention, and validation in our own lives. If the celebrity treats us as an equal, or if we are romantically involved, this is considered a sign of positive self-esteem; a celebrity would find us interesting or desirable. If we experience difficulty reaching or talking to a celebrity, this may reflect difficulties achieving the recognition and validation we desire. Cemetery It may refer to something that is currently dead in your present life, like an idea or situation. If the dead is rising from their graves, maybe you should give something a second chance. Chain This could possibly be indicating that you are being held back in some area of your life. Chase Often represents literal fear of physical attack in one’s life. Also can symbolically represent avoidance of difficult feelings, emotions, and awareness, especially if it is recurring Cheating Common anxiety dream in relationships. A sign of insecurity on behalf of dreamer, which may or may not result from unsupportive behavior by partner. Child A growing idea or concept. Was the child healthy or sickly? That may be trying to tell you something. Church This may have something to do with your spiritual beliefs. Or maybe you are being protected by higher forces, or should seek guidance from higher forces. Circle This may be a message saying that you are whole or complete. A broken circle may mean that you should work on yourself a little bit. Cliff A place of heightened knowledge, or high ideals. Climbing Climbing a tree may indicate an attempt to "expand your horizons." Climbing a ladder may reflect "social ambitions." Climbing a mountain may reflect a spiritual quest, or search for eternal values. Clock This can have a few different meanings. Perhaps it is time for you to make a change in your life, or time is slipping away. It may also be trying to tell you to be more punctual. Clothes The physical body, or the part of yourself that you show to the world. Clouds Your dream may be warning you that you are not thinking clearly. Is your head "in the clouds"? Clover A four-leaf clover may symbolize good luck. Coffin You may be laying an idea to rest. If you were the person in the coffin, maybe you should search for more freedom in some part of your life. Obvious symbol of death. Seeing oneself in a coffin indicates change, separation from another, or passing of a phase in one’s life. Coffins also can be a sign of weakness and a lack of vitality. Compass You may need direction in some part of your life. A source of guidance. Conception Usually a literal dream, reflecting a woman’s attempts to conceive in real life. Common among aspiring mothers, and also among women under social pressure to begin their families. When these concerns are not present in a woman’s life, dreams of conception suggest "impregnation" with a new idea, goal, or self-understanding. Something inside of you has started to grow! Connections "Can’t connect" dreams are common metaphors for difficulty communicating with friends, lovers, family members, business associates and potential romantic partners. Common metaphors for inability to communicate include telephones that do not work; continuing interruptions when trying to speak personally with another, and inability locate someone in a crowd. Crush Symbol of our immediate love attraction. Common in teen dreams, usually is a literal representation of our current heart’s delight. Dawn An awakening or fresh approach to something. Deceased Dreams of the deceased are common. The dead usually visit the living to reassure us they are OK, to explain a particularity of their death, or to give advice. Many people believe the dead actually communicate with them in dreams. Many dream reports, if accurate, leave no option but to believe that contact actually was made. Death Symbol of change in dreams that should almost never be interpreted literally. Not precognitive. Dreams of death of a friend or family member usually symbolize change in the relationship or a fear of separation. Death can be literal when we dream of relatives who have passed on. Dreaming of your own death typically symbolizes an inner metamorphosis and an evolution of development, and is considered a positive dream. Old ways of perceiving are passing away; new self-discoveries are being made. Diamond A symbol of truth, spiritual consciousness. Money. Dirty It could be referring to negative or unclean thoughts going through your mind. Also, something that is unbecoming and should be worked on. Diving A new experience. Or maybe you are "going into the deep end" and your subconscious is warning you. Door An opening to an idea or experience. If the door is closed, it can represent that you are closing yourself off from something, or that a certain phase of your life is ending. Dove Peace. Driving Highly personal symbol related to the self: The "direction we are headed" in our life. How is our driving? Is it safe and under control? Too fast, too slow? Do the brakes and steering wheel work? Are you driving, or is someone else? Drowning This may be a direct statement as to how you are feeling in present life. Maybe you are drowning in your sorrows? Drum It may point to the rhythms in your waking life Elevator If it was going up, expect things to look up for you, and if it was going down, expect just the opposite. Or maybe it is telling you that you are on another level of consciousness. Common dream metaphor for different levels of awareness in the mind. Also can represent transitions in our careers, lifestyles, or romance. When we enter an elevator, we expect to "arrive at a new level." Many elevator dreams concern difficulty arriving at the desired location. The elevator may not open where it is supposed to, or it may ascend or descend without end. Going down in an elevator is a common metaphor for entering into deeper levels of subconscious awareness. Elevators that fall reflect feelings of being out of control, and are related to falling dreams. Engagement Ring Usually a literal representation of contemplation or commitment to marriage. Do you like the ring? Does it fit properly? Do you like to show it off in public? Feelings about the engagement ring in the dream typically reflect the dreamer’s real-life feelings about an engagement or proposal.