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We are not trying to undermine any other religion. We do not proselytize or have Pagan missions. We don't make "tracts" about knowing The Goddess, or knock on your door to invite you to our gatherings. We are Non-Christian, not anti-Christian. I have alot of Christian friends who are cool with my religion, just as I am cool with theirs. The Wiccan Rede "Bide the Wiccan Law ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust. Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: And ye harm none, do what ye will. Lest in self-defense it be, ever mind the Rule of Three. Follow this with mind and heart, and merry ye meet and merry ye part." The Rule of Three This rule says that everything you do will come back to you three times as much. It's like automatic Karma that comes back to you in this life. If you do good, you will recieve goodness back, and vice versa. This rule serves as a punishment and reward system and also works to prevent people from seeking revenge. No sense in getting revenge on someone who has wronged you if they will get theirs anyway...
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Email: burnmysoul_520@hotmail.com