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______[ F E B R U A R Y 17.2 0 0 5 ]______

WoW! Its been a whole, almost 2 months since I updated. School been keeping me busy. I'm 19th in my class of 570! I oculd have done better though and I'm working towards the top 10. SHE' LETTING ME GO TO THE TASTW OF CHAOS CONCERT! WooT! A STATIC LULLABY! Oh yesh! aha! My bday party it tomorrow! YAY! I get to see my friends so more and I get to watch Troy muahaha! I get to see Brad Pitt's butt. x.X he does have a nice body i must admit ~.~ well night anyone.

______[ D E C E M B E R 25.2 0 0 4 ]______

HAPPY CHRISTMAS! WooT! I can finally say that!!!!! I got what I wanted! Not my electric guitar but every thing else! I can ask for the guitar for my bday though! YAY! I got lots of HP( Harry Potter) stuff! YIPPIE! I have 4 harry Potter calanders for next year now! YAY! Can never have to many now can you? Well maybe you can but I can't ^-^. I also got my HP backpack! and an Ipod mini! YIPPIE! YAY! And it has 8 hours of battery life so I can listen to it almost all day when we drive to Virginia in a year and a hlaf T_T. Time for breakfast now!!

______[ D E C E M B E R 24.2 0 0 4 ]______

WooT!! WooT!! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE EVERYONE! HAHA! Not that many people even read this. ^-^ *sigh* oh well. I don't do this or my xanga - which I updated yesterday for the first time in almost 6 months- for people to read just to write things down. On a happier note! Only one, as in uno, ichi, one, *holds up 1 finger*, the first whole number after 2 but before 0, days till christmas! YAY! YIPPE! *does happy dance* and I've finished wrapping gifts, making cookies and cards, and delivering all of it! So for the count MERRY ALMSOT CHRISTMAS EVERYONE OUT THERE! HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR! AND A WONDERFUL BREAK FROM SCHOOL OR WORK OR WHATEVRE YOU PEOPLE HAVE! And don;t be like me wasting it on the comp. since barely anyone is home. ^-^ today I joined my first webring! Muahahaa!

______[ D E C E M B E R 23.2 0 0 4 ]______

WooT!! Only 2 days till christmas! Yippie! haha I sound like such a nerd when I say that! haha o well! I know one of the things I'm getting for christmas already *secretive smile* haha I was there when it was bought. I wanna go to the concert with David on 4/1/05 but I dont knwo if my mom will let me! But she has to! A Statioc Lullaby is goona be there! A STATIC LULLABY! I HAVE TO SEE THEM!!!!! I MUST! haha now I'm over exaggerating oh well that's just me! ^-^ My grades came today T_T so I'm kinda depressed 'cuz I had straight A's before I got mono and then I got sick and my grades dropped so I ended up with a Report card that looked like this:
PE:: A
Japanese 1:: A
Biology:: A
World Cultures:: A
English 9:: B (stupid english I had a 95.6% in this class before I got sick T_T)
Inter. Algebra:: A-
I guess they're not that bad but they still make me extremely sad and that's just me always sad when I can do better. Next semester I will have straight A's if it kills me. *tries to be serious but starts cracking up* ^-^ night everyone.

______[ N O V E M B E R 22. 2 0 0 4 ]______

Last night was the Greenday concert! It was so fu-freaking awsome! Could have been louder though. And Sugarcult and New Found Glory really need to fix their base. But still it was fun.

______[ N O V E M B E R 12. 2 0 0 4 ]______

The last few weeks have sucked so bad. I have mono so I'm sleepy all the time and it sucks butt. Plus I'm not allowed to do alot of stuff so it stinks even more. But today will be good cuz it's Tatyana's b-day party today and I might be allowed to sleep over! YAY! >^-^< being under what seems like house arrest isn't fun. I never realized how much I liked school till now.

______[ N O V E M B E R 3. 2 0 0 4 ]______

YAY! Such a pretty layout! I finally found a Malfoy one but I don't wanna us it on my site. ^-^ So I made a blog. Today was a good day! I got a 25/30 on my grammar test so I dont have to do the stupid grammar packet and my vocab quiz was easy, I tought i was gonna do bad cuz i learned all 20 words between the time i got to school and 5th period. never gonna do that again. ^-^ Halloween was awsome too! well untill my bro fell then had do go to the hospital to get stiches -_- oww! ewww! *shrudder* haha j/k it would still be painful though. ugh... have to go do homework i just wanted to get this up and running.

___[ I N F O . r m a t i o n ]___

Name/ Your guess is as good as mine
DOB/ 02/09/90
Location/ San Diego for now
Interests/Reading and sleeping and eating and swimming and playing my guitar and Harry Potter
Current date/ February 17, 2005
Time/ 9:49 pm
Loveing/ nothing
Wearing/ PE shorts (sexy i know) and a black T
Thinking/ what the hell is happening to the world
Reading/ the words as the fly past my eyes
Working On/ nada but this site

______[ M U S . i c ]______

I got this from T-SIS Design!

Song:: None
Artist:: None
______[ L I N K . a g e ]______

______[ F A N . l i s t s ]______

__[ R I N G S . c l i q u e s ]__

[ << | ? | im insane whats your excuse | # | >> ]
______[ C R E D .i t s ]______

Layout: DUI \\ eLLe
Image: At Pictures
Brushes: Annika von Holdt
Words: "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" - Greenday

______[ L I N K . m e ]______

Be a pal and link back to me at
but please upload this imagage on to your own server