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| Theme: Cardcaptors | Site: Eternal Soul | Version: 3.0 | Contact: Eternal Soul Creator |



to ..Eternal Soul.. brought to you by PrincezzHuynh Kingdom Productions 2003. This site is currently under construction and won't be up and ready until some time next week.
The links on the left screen are currently unavailable to view, and sorry for any inconvience. Here is a quick outline of quick info. for what the links will provide you with after your able to view:

-------------------------Quick Reference-------------------------

+List of special shoutouts to people I care about and want to say special thanks to.
+List of shoutouts to everyone I know and I care about.

+Poems of happy and sad for lovers and heartbroken people to read and share with everyone.
+Quotes of life, love, friends and more.
+Picture poems/quotes.

:Anime Gallery:
+Picture gallery of InuYasha (which I'm addicted to).
+Picture gallery of Cardcaptors.
+Picutre gallery of Sailormoon.
+Picture gallery of Tokyo Mew Mew
+Picture gallery of Chobits

:Anime Summaries/Updates:
+Tokyo Mew Mew
+Marmalade Boy

-------------------------End Of Reference------------------------

.Look-Up Info.

:Name: -Unable to view-
:Ethnic: Asian
:Gender: Female
:Status: Unknown
:Education: High school
:Location: Oregon
:Aim: PrincezzHuynh88

.Christmas Wish List.

-Inuyasha items
-Poster of Dicky
-Silver rings

[C][O][P][Y][R][I][G][H][T][E][D] by PrincezzHuynh Kingdom Productions 2003