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"Amo Me Corozon Peridido Ente"

Centered upon milestones your voice whispers sweet memories of yesteryear. There you stood in the midst so steadfastly I could have reached out to touch you, only to realize your image was unattainable.

A spark of hope lingered in my heart, even though we were apart. Somehow time seemed to ring the enchanted chime and our song came to rhyme once again.

I'm grateful for your gentle touch; each moment we share lets me know of
my enlightened care.

My love for you never burnt out and now the flame has been relit never to be blown out again.

Our relationship fits like a glove and hand, taking time to relinquish as you guide and mold me like a fine piece of clay.

Softly smiling and glancing up at you knowing the day you collar me I shall have earned it and shall wear it forever with pride.

Page design by juguete
for my Master Loboatnite
July 28, 2003

all copyrights apply