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~A symphony of haunting memories tortured the fragile female bathing
in the clear waters of a running river while a child so tender in puerile
age, clung to the moist flesh of her shoulders. Crystal drops adorned
the girl's youthful limbs and shimmered under the moon's waning glow,
showering both mother and offspring in a heavenly mantle of light.
Aquiline features would forever hold a mirror of placidness, refusing to
reveal the inner scars left behind by the harsh beauty of a brutal past.
Liquid brown hues lowered until her gaze shone on the miniature hand
meshing like cream on honey against the richness of tawny skin. Balmy
lips placed the gift of a kiss against the growing fingers and with a longing
sigh that dawned from within, she walked towards a dark haired offspring
waiting patiently by the flames of a tamed fire. Hlessi would forever remain
the bohemian; a solitary soul staking her loyalty on the two she had
birthed and reared.~