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Herbs A-Z

Abscess Root

Also known as: Harebell, Bluebell, American Greek Valerian, False Jacob's Ladder, and Sweatroot.

Medical Part Used: Root

Magickal Part Used: Flower, leaves, and root.

Habitat: United States

Magickal Powers: Luck & Truth

Medical Uses: This herb is used as an astringent, alterative, diaphoretic, and expectorant. Use for bowel complaints, for the bites of venomous snakes and insects, for bronchitis and laryngitis. Drink and infusion of the root in a wineglassfull dose for coughts, colds, and all lung complaints.

Magickal uses: It is said that if you can turn a bluebell insideout without tearing it, you will eventually have to one you love.

The next time you see a bluebell, pick it and repeat the following words:

Bluebell, Bluebell, bring me some luck before tomorrow night.

Slip it inot your shoe to seal the spell.

Anyone who wears a bluebell is compelled to tell the truth in all matters.