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Eternal Yearning

I wanted to love you before the first suns were born
The clarity of your being held for each incarnation
Rhythmically encircling each others presence
I could tell when I found you by your heart beat

I whisper your name like an enchanted calling
Before each time I enter a dream
Thoughts of kissing you under the Pleiades
By the river as the current swept autumn leaves past

I held you before our bodies were made flesh
Once touching your soul,
Knowing when separated the empty space to be endured
Searching out your touch, wanting your embrace again

Obstacles passed and other beau's jealous contempt
Wishing only to give you the heart that has belonged you
Sketching out my feelings on paper
I want to dance with the one who I sought out all along

Understanding the agony of Prometheus
A flame carried when there was just darkness
Chains once binded to what was thought to be honor
Uncouple when you trace your fingers over my face
Morning's Bright Clarity

Morning's bright clarity with the horizon aglow
I wake to the waves gently licking the strand
Hearing the gulls cry from overhead
Watching them hovering aloft with the dawn

I hold you tightly, gently carressing your belly
Putting my head to your breast listening to your gentle breaths
Watching you dream I lean forward to kiss your neck
I smell the sweet scent of the sand on your skin

You smile as you wake, reaching up to stroke my cheek
Your eyes aglow with the morning star
You ease back into my embrace wanting to be held
I pull you closer as you dream abit longer
Still the question comes around again...

There are the moments I wonder where I may stand,
the times that you are away, your voice echoed in my mind
There are the days missing you, wanting to hold you
Still the question comes around again when that time will be at hand

There are the moments I think of you as the Moon, surrounded by a crown of stars
the times when the sky seems to move and the earth appears to sway
There are the days wanting you to hold me in your tender embrace
Still the question comes around again when that time will be at hand

There are the moments passed waiting to see your smile,
the times when a song is played, remembering your eyes
There are the days hoping for you to say words that will fill that void
Still the question comes around again when that time will be at hand

There are the moments passed like a child's playtime,
the times when feeling as just a toy, forgotten and broken
There are the days trying to push those thoughts out of my mind
Still the question comes around again when that time will be at hand
The Heart as a Glass Rose

Much like a glass rose,
The heart is a fragile vessel,
So delicate it must be earned--never won
Each chamber a petal that can be easily shattered

Jealous words never to be mentioned,
Still never to be denied with a smile
To win a heart is as much a carnival prize,
Once broken is it forever forgotten

If I were to earn your heart
Forever, with care, would it be kept
Gentle caressing during Midnight whispers
Long kept memories unlocked and set free

The heart as a glass rose must be gently carried,
Never posessed, even to the one deserving
It may be passed on to another in a later time
With the sting of a golden thorn


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