Before The Shadows Fade
-+- Updates -+-
6-20-04 [Happy Fathers' Day!]
Listening To: "Juvenile" - "Slow Motion"
I updated the Caption page [Heheh...] and made it much more accessible.
And as for blog news:

o.o; ... Yesturday was a mess. You see, I've only done chores like 8 times in my whole life and yesturday I had to wash the dishes. My parents had bought a new bottle of dish soap. I used the whole thing. I was too bored to rinse the dishes so I left them in the sink (very decoratively arranged ^^) and when my parents got home from the beach I asked them if they could rinse them for me. My mom wasn't too thrilled... And when she saw the empty bottle she was too exasperated to comment on anything other than the fact that it usually lasts 3 months. I shortly apologized and sat back down at my one true love -- my computer. About a half-hour later, my dad gave up on hand-washing the dishes and put them in the dish washer. Guess what? There were so many suds that they seeped out of the machine. When I took a look I couldn't sustain my laughter seeing as I had no idea that that was possible. My parents kept gathering the suds in buckets and dumped them outside. That amused me also. Several hours later they gave up and left the work for today. Today, my dad dumped the buckets on the car and asked me to rinse the car. It was fun actually. Now we have sparkly dishes and a sparkly car. ::Shruggs:: I think that went pretty well...

Listening To: [Cartoon] "Garfield and Friends" - Theme Song
Sorry, only updated the Webmaster page again. ^_^;

But I saw "Garfield The Movie" today (Not to your interest.)! It was really cute! When Garfield and Odie danced to "Hey Mama" it was a lot like the "Pokémon" "Gotta Dance"/"Odoru Pokémon Himitsu Kichi" short because Odie was kinda under it's spell. ^_^
I liked that Garfield acknowledged that you're watching the movie because you love him [^_^;].
Liz was annoying but they got me to like Nermal... It was really weird to actually be able to easily establish that Nermal is a guy though [^^;;]. But he didn't get shipped to Abu Dhabi in the movie... :(

Listening To: Brandy - "Almost Doesn't Count"
First of all I updated the Webmaster page but I'll bet no one goes there so nevermind. I also put a picture on the Animé page, pictures on the Manga page, and worked on the pictures on the Games page (but they aren't up yet). I even re-wrote/changed my descriptions of the Animé and Mangas. ALL day today (not literally but...). Ugh, and this sucks monkey f*** because my neck has been hurting excruciatingly since Friday when I was weight-lifting (I tried out a neck-muscle-building machine.). I tell ya... you never wan'ta be a Webmaster.

By the way, I've decided to make a walkthrough for "Pocket Monsters Colosseum" the next time I rent it because last month I played it non-stop (about 18 hours of sleep) for three days straight and I ALMOST beat it!! ...But then I found out that you're supposed to steal all of the Shadow Pokémon before completion of the game and it was WAAAY too late for that. But you know what's the stupidest thing about the game?!! When the credits come on, THE GAME ISN'T OVER!!! How gay is THAT?!!!

Listening To: "Orgy" - "Blue Monday (How Does It Feel)"
I was at the mall today [*GASP*] with a friend of mine, Lena, because she wanted to buy accesories for her new cell phone. She winded up buying two face plates, a flashing key pad, and a Lui Vuitton blinking antena (or a so-called one) for it. The guy selling her the stuff ripped her off by $10.00 so we sat down in the Food Court while she planned out how she would explain to her mom why she didn't have any money left (her mom gave her a 20 to buy a $7 shampoo so Lena had to make up a secure excuse for blowing $14.00 as oppose to $4.00 since she got jipped). But that planning time was good because we had already finished shopping. I bought a Fathers' Day card, a Fathers' Day gift, a soda, a pretzel, and a purse [*DOUBLE GASP*] because it is of Alice from Disney's "Alice In Wonderland" which is one of my favorite movies.

At the mall, Lena said that if Cassy can't go with her [as a friend] to her [Lena's] boyfriend's Homecoming Dance, that I'm going. Good thing for us passing that dress store because otherwise I wouldn't've had time to plan ahead. I instantly thought of begging Juan because I sooo want to go out with him but he lives in Miami and suppose Lena changes her mind the last second? I could ask Geo but he lives in Miami too. I could ask Jorge but he's my ex so you know how that goes down. ...Crap. I'll most likely be there with Josh. He's dieing to go out with me so that's baaad. He is a friend of Lena's boyfriend so he might be there too because he goes to that school. Unless he doesn't want to go out and rent a tux... But even IF I'm there with him it'll be better than being at the dance alone. Guess I'll have to prey that Cassy's agenda is free.

On the semi-bright side, when I got home from the mall, my parents were out and I didn't have a key so I was bored and called Juan. His grandmother answered. I asked for Juan Jr. and she had no idea whose name I was shouting. She thought I said Frank [o.O;]. So I called Jorge cuz I was bored and I got the answering machine so I called his cell. Juan picked up!! I was so happyyy!! We only talked for like 2 minutes since it WAS Jorge's cell-but every moment speaking to him is so magical cuz he's such a nice guy and we hardly ever get to talk (much less see each other). The last time I called him he was babysitting so he couldn't talk to me and didn't have the energy left to so when I hung up I cussed him out, lol. But today when we talked I told him that I didn't call him because of that so he kept apologizing and saying it was because of all the work he had on the last few days of school... and yada, yada, yada whatever else he said... So that made Heather a very happy twerp [^_^]. Well... until Jorge called me back a few minutes later. I mean, I'm glad I had someone to blab to to kill time but I wanted to talk to Juaaaannnnn!! [;___;] Aw man... Juan's probably at Jorge's still so I can't call hiiimmm... [;_______;]

Listening To: Steven Lynch - "If I Were Gay"
Lol, that's one of the awesomest songs ever! My [guy] friend Granville [o.o;] sang the line "If I were gay, I would give you my heart." to some guy in our summer school gym-health class!!! The guy he sang it to didn't say a word and just... walked away!!!

As for your updates, I've been so swamped with the construction of this website that I haven't even written you any updates! In short, a bazillion pages are added and EVERY page was updated at LEAST twice. With that out of the way, I'll catch you up on some recent Pokénews [in order of old-new]:

SAITAMA CITY, Japan - "I'm killing them."
On March 5th, 2004 a 13-year-old boy attempted to kill several classmates with a sword prior to the day he was teased about being a fan of "Pocket Monsters" and likened him to a "Pocket Monster" character. Several were injured but there were no deaths, said the Omiya police. The sword was a household decoration.

HOUSTON, U.S.A. - In honor of the movie "Pokémon: Jirachi - Wish Maker," a party was held at Space Center Houston.
Atendees had the opportunity to play the "pre-constructed" "EX Hidden Legends" theme deck, play "Pokémon Ruby," "Pokémon Sapphire," "Pokémon Colosseum," get tips for the upcoming "Pokémon Fire Red" & "Pokémon Leaf Green," watch "Pokémon: Jirachi - Wish Maker," sing the T.V. series's theme song on karaoke, and even the J-Pop singer Asuca Hayashi stopped by to sing the "Pocket Monsters" song "Chiisaki Mono"/"Wish Maker."

HOUSTON, U.S.A. - "A month to call our own," claims "Poké"
On May 25, 2004 Mayor Bill White declared June to be Pokémon Space Party month in honor of the Pokémon Space Party that took place at Space Center Houston. The "ceremony" was attended by the mayor, council member Addie Wiseman, several people in Pokémon costumes, and several Pokémon executives.

Pokémon, Inc. - Toys "R" us!
"Poké" has declared that there will be a series of "Pokémon Play Days" at participating "Toys 'R' Us" stores. On them, you will be able to play the "EX Hidden Legends" deck and upon doing so, recieve a free promo card. For dates and times, see "Poké"

Nintendo, Inc. - They need you.
The "Nintendo" company is holding a survey to determine which CG design for the "Pocket Monster" trading card game is prefered by fans, says To take the survey, click here .

NAGOYA, Japan - There will be more than one reason to visit Japan next summer.
The world's first "Pocket Monster" theme park is in the making, said Kyodo news. It will only be open from March 18, 2005 through September 25, 2005 in order to attract visitors of the 2005 World Aichi Expo. The amusement park will spread 5 acres. Further details aren't press released as of yet.

Listening To: Britney Spears - "Toxic"
I was working on the Jari-boy-tachi and Pokémon (as in the creatures themselves) links. I found three Yamato shrines even. That was unexpected. I had to fight off over 300 pop-ups today. I am SOOO glad I have AOL because it swallows up the pop-ups, which is a Godsend seeing as how there are so many Lycos websites out there.
I want to find a layout maker and make a general "Pokémon" website so this can go back to being a Roketto-dan shrine as originally planned-but until then this is how it has to be. Maybe I'll put the general info separate. That'll work...
I ordered all the DVDs I need for my new AMVs but only two have arrived-and I bought them LAST FRIDAY!!! ((1-18-04 was a Sunday, by the way.)) I was able to make half of my Musashi one. It's turning out really good. It's the second AMV that I made by uploading clips by myself (In most of them I just got clips from other people's websites.). In that case I'm rather proud.
I forgot to mention on the update on the 10th that I am also going to make an AMV about Lion/Rion (However you choose to spell it.) but I have to wait for the dubb to come out on DVD and VHS. I've had (and treasure to this day) the Japanese version of the movie for like a year in advance to the dubb's theatrical release and CERTAINLY the home-video release but, alas, it has subtitles (Which are the greatest things ever-until you make an AMV to a song that doesn't drag on for 12 minutes straight.). I AM going to use the subbed version a tiny bit because I'm weird like that but otherwise I have to wait 'til the 20. That REALLY sucks because I don't have school tomorrow for Martin Luther King Jr. Day but I have school the day after (The day the DVD will be released.). I guess that buys me some time for it to come out in "Blockbuster" though.
I am ALSO planning on making my first non-"Pokémon" AMV. The movie is pretty good and, try as I might, the Britney Spears song I downloaded yesturday fits all TOO flawlessly. I WAS going to make ANOTHER Musashi AMV because a song by "The Cheetah Girls" matches her but I'm trying to avoid that because I've already made two of her and I'm making a third. Maybe I can use the princess from the castle of illusions.

Listening To: Kelis - "Milkshake"
I've been making random updates recently... shippys... warehousing... links... fanlistings... planning for the future of the website... so fourth... I havn't been keeping track of exactly what since my second semester of freshman year started. I have a Hakai Kousen-paced Spanish I class and an Algebra I class this time around. You know how it goes down. And I was invited to review Animé and/or Manga and/or Video Games for a new website. I agreed even though I hate shared websites. I certainly hope I can find the time to write reviews...
If you are interested in AMVs, I'm going to make one with random "Pokémon" characters (mostly crossdressers) for the parody song "Make My Boobies One More Size and a sad w/a happy ending "Pokémon" AMV on Musashi to "Linkin Park"'s "Numb." I WANT to make an AMV for Kyouichirou from "Jikuu Tantei Genshi-kun" (The dubb title is "Flint, The Time Detective!") but that series is a hellhole to find!! I don't see why it's so difficult because there are only 30 episodes-and that's even LESS than "Pokémon"'s SEASON 2!! Oh yeah, my point was: if you want either of those AMVs (and/or any of my old ones) then e-mail me.

Listening To: Sean Paul & Sacha - "I'm Still In Love With You"
((The song title actually fits the first line of this entry. o.o))
I actually took the liberty of working on the website for once (aside from all of these logs). I completed as much of the "Warehousing" page as possible. When I say "as possible" I mean Season 6 and Season 5 aren't out yet and I can't get hold of enough information on the Season 4 Volumes. I DID put in the Season 4 "High Voltage Collection" Volumes though. Not that anyone would want them. I noticed that the "High Voltage" Volume titled "Fire and Ice" has a very odd trio of episodes indeed. One of them is a three-parter. The Volume put in a two-parter and just stuck in one of the parts from the three-parter that I mentioned. What on Earth? Truth be told all 3 parts are horrible but gee it's kind of awkward to throw that in if the consumer never saw the other two parts. Anywho, the dilema with what I did today is: now I have to put a link to the page on the Navigation scrolls that are on EVERY [except for like 2] page!! Ah well. It's ten thirty Post Meridiem [10:27 P.M. to be exact] so I can't do that now. G'night. (Actually I'm going to go read more of "To Kill A Mockingbird" for school Monday but whatever.)

Listening To: [Animé] "Pokémon" - "Poruka O' Doruka"
I saw "Mei Tantei Nyaasu Sanjou!" and "Meikko Ruriri wa Da Meiwaku?" today. It's interesting I saw "Mei Tantei Nyaasu Sanjou!" today [Thanksgiving] of all days because it's about a stolen sandwich [Nyaasu's of course. x.x]. It's like a mini movie but it's just a short episode. Due to the length, another short episode is played after the commercial break using the same characters. And that is "Meikko Ruriri wa Da Meiwaku?" It is about an annoying little Ruriri that resembles Tigger from "Winnie The Pooh" in that it messes up everything by bouncing around uncontrollably and does so in sheer amusement. Nyaasu thinks an Eneko is really cute and wants to kiss her all over (not just her face o.0). Ruriri messes up all of Nyaasu's chances at trying to be her Romeo [;_____;]. Both episodes actually resemble "Tom & Jerry" cartoons quite a bit. Even though "Meikko Ruriri wa Da Meiwaku?" is sad [in Nyaasu's case] in a "Sylvester & Tweety" way, both episodes are adorable because they are about cutesy-voiced, pint-sized, creatures that bounce slightly when the walk and look like stuffed animals. ^^

Listening To: Adam Green - "Jessica"
((That Is The Most Hilarious Song Ever! (]X ))
In Animé Club today we watched some Animé that I have no idea whatsoever how to explain to you and "Samurai X." Let me tell you, I positively HATED every second of "Samurai X!!" It might be a season of "Rurouni Kenshin" but the president of Animé Club says it's just based on "Rurouni Kenshin." I don't know how'd they'd get copywrite of THAT but I guarantee you that it kills all of the characters involved and the "Rurouni Kenshin" series altogether. Himura is dark sometimes but "Samurai X" just made him a jerk. In "Rurouni Kenshin" Himura's wife is tough. In "Samurai X" she is intolerable in annoyance. Rrrrrrrrrr.....

Listening To: "P.O.D." - "Will You"
I FINALLY saw "Roketto-dan! Ai to Seishun no Genten!"!!! In short: Ever since I liked "Pokémon" I've wished as hard as I could the arrival of an episode that grand! As I antipated from first viewing the screen shots, it's one of the best episodes of them all. ("Touka Jimu! Vs. Yarukimono!") is still my favorite though. o.o) It's shippy (Rocketshippy/R*cketshippy/Wrongshippy, Friendshippy, & Neoshippy), the animation is good, and it kinda has the affect of a feel-good movie. It only ended too soon...

Listening To: "Linkin Park" - "Numb"
YEA!!!! I got the November issue of "Animerica" (I need a magazine for my Mass Media I class.) and there was a category titled "Villains" captioned "Why does watching characters be bad make us feel so darn good?" Naturally, our lovable Musashi-tachi (refered to as "Team Rocket" x.x;) made the list. Although the screen shot is an obvious Johto capture, the info seems to be dated back to Kanto. Ah well, it's still amazing that "POKÉMON" would be on a list of the greatest collection of evil in such a popular magazine!
It says: "It's tough being henchmen, let alone to an insatiable collector! Under orders to obtain rare Pokémon by a shadowy boss figure who enjoys the classic master's villain luxury lifestyle-giving orders while sitting in a throne-like chair and stroking a longhaired cat-Team Rocket chases after that darned Pikachu week after week, coming up with more elaborate new schemes, gadgets, and disguises than The A-Team and Charlie's Angels combined, all delivered with theatrical flourish and customized catchphrases. Just as with the Grandis Gang from Nadia, who have equally bad luck, you've just got to admire the persistence, as well as the snappy uniforms and balloon transport."
The issue also has a photo of a Pikachu cosplayer that was in "Otakon" and lists the Animé you find on different television stations except "Anime Network"-and "Pokémon" appears on THREE channels ("WB," "Cartoon Network," & "YTV")! Lol, "Animerica" says that "Pokémon" is on "Cartoon Network" but it forgot to say "Yu-Gi-Oh!" is. ^_____^ (Yes, I HATE YGO.) "Pokémon": "Vol. 59; Tea'd Off" is listed under "Domestic Anime Releases" for $9.98 incase you want it. It contains "Oodairu Vs. Kamekkusu! Sumo Batoru!!", "Mushitori Taikai! Shizen Kouen de Getto Da Ze!!", and (obviously) "Iibui 5 Shimai! Ocha Kai de Batoru!!" (What's with the double exclamation marks?)
The issue even contains an interview with Satoshi Kon who directed "Millenium Actress." Interesting [or not] Fact: "Dreamworks" released "Millenium Actress" DVD & VHS in Japanese ONLY.

"Animerica" Review Of Mine:

Demographics: Glued to video games, have their noses buried in Graphic Novels, and devote their time to creating their own Animé-styled cartoon series, performing Animé-based skits, and/or threaten to "get the shotgun" if you change the channel.

Upside: Unlike other Animé magazines I’ve seen, it isn’t flooded with video game walk-throughs (Afterall, that’s what books like "Prima’s Ultimate Strategy Guide" are for.), it isn’t made-up of Graphic Novels (Why would I want to read something retarded like "Dragon Ball Z" just for a volume of "Yu-Yu Hakusho"?), and it doesn’t contain prices, names, numbers, et cetera on trading cards (Those take up half of magazines sometimes, such as in "Beckett Yu-Gi-Oh!".).

Downside: Its focus is on Animé that came out in America already and the reviews are written in text (as oppose to DVD sample disks).

Info: Animé and Manga reviews pop up frequently and are quite possibly the most utilized segments. On the other hand, there are somethings that provide an informative and amusing vision of what Japan is truly like. For instance, "Diaries of the Country Bumpkin" are columns of an American English teacher’s confusion as well as personal attachment to his 3-year experience in "the land of the rising sun." The columns, reviews, and so fourth are written in a certain style that likewise is used on Animé websites (such as this). The style is perhaps the opposite of newswritting. Articles are written with Animé fan jargon (simple Japanese phrases such as "kawaii" [cute] as well as abbreviations like "layers" [short for Cosplayers-which is short for costume players]) and almost all opinionated writings that, as often as possible, strictly stick to that one side of the story (since readers obviously take in circumstances differently than others). In addition, clichés are used constantly as are Animé-based puns.

"Animerica's" "Rogues' Gallery" (of villains)
[[The villains aren't numbered but this is the order except I decided to put the gundams together.]]
[[There are supposed to be more online but I couldn't find the page... do YOU know the URL?]]
Dr. Hell ("Mazinger Z")
Franken Von Fogler ("Giant Robo")
Dessler/Leader Desslok ("Star Blazers")
Char Aznable ("Mobile Suit Gundam")
M'quve ("Mobile Suit Gundam")
Cima Garahau ("Gundam 0083")
Nakago ("Fushigi Yűgi")
Brian J. Mason ("Bubblegum Crisis")
Dilandau Albatou ("The Vision of Escaflowne")
Yubaba ("Spirited Away")
Joker ("Akira")
Gestapoko ("Kekko Kamen")
Happosai ("Ranma ˝")
Hargen ("Agent Aika")
Eriol Hiragizawa ("Cardcaptor Sakura")
Princess Buburina ("Catnapped!")
Gendo Ikari ("Neon Genesis Evangelion")
Gargoyle ("Nadia")
Black Lady/Wicked Lady ("Sailor Moon R")
Berg Katze/Zoltar ("Battle of the Planets")
Team Rocket ("Pokémon")
Iczer Two ("Fight! Iczer-One")

"Animerica's" "Top 10 Hot Picks" (at "Best Buy"):
1. "Millennium Actress"
2. "The Animatrix"
3. "Spirited Away"
4. "Inuyasha" - "Volumne 11: Into the Miasma"
5. "Cowboy Bebop" - "Cowboy Bebop The Movie"
6. "Saint Seiya" - "Volume 1"
7. "Love Hina" - "Movie Collection"
8. "Final Fantasy Unlimited" - "Volume 1"
9. "Boys Over Flowers" - "Volume 2: Cinderella for a Night"
10. "Infinite Ryvius" - "Volume 1"

"Animerica's" "Hot Watches":
"Kimba the White Lion" - "Jungle Emperor Leo"
"Ceres, Celestial Legend" - Box Set 2

Listening To: "Ludacris" - "Stand Up"
Hmm. I saw the trailer for "Timeline." Is it just me or is that a non-animated, TOTAL rip of the Animé "Millenium Actress" 's plotline? Since yesturday's entry was so long I decided to save this for today. During yesturday's 8:05 "Pokémon" movie I was completely shocked. Tommy (the male host) was talking about Jirarudan. However, Jirarudan's name is NEVER mentioned in the English dubbed version of the movie. BUT the irony is that Jirarudan website shrines have said Jirarudan's dubb name is Lawrence III for years. Well, Tommy said "Lawrence" so... how'd he determine THAT??? o.o This stupid mystery is gona annoy me the rest of my life now...

Listening To: [Animé] "Pokémon" - "Futura no Theme"
Hey, I was watching an episode of "Codename: Kids Next Door" called "opperation: g.h.o.s.t." and I was wondering... is Number 3 a "Hamtaro" fan? Because when she was at "Chubbo" 's funeral her eyes turned into eyes like the hamsters on "Hamtaro" have and Number 5 said "So why don't we go back to the tree house and watch all of those hamster cartoons you like?" In addition, one of the "Cartoon Network's Fridays" hosts said something like "Can you imagine if the hamsters on 'Hamtaro' started acting like that?"
Anywho, who cares? I'm just waiting for "Pokémon the Movie 2000: The Power Of One" to come on. It starts at 8:05 P.M. Yes, eight o' FIVE. Just how short IS "Chapter Six" of "Star Wars: Clone Wars" anyway?? Meh, who cares. My best friend forced me to watch the 1st made "Star Wars" movie and the most recent "Star Wars" as well as quite a bit of the 2nd made "Star Wars" movie. That was HELL.
Yea! "Dexter's Laboratory" is on! I only like "Mandark" so I hardly ever watch "Dexter's Laboratory" but shit, one of these is a "Mandark" episode. Dexter: "Thee woorldd iis ooverr and youu are swoooning overr my stuupidd siisterr?!" Lol. You know what's sad though? I didn't notice "Mandark" was man + dark until the day before yesturday. Infact, it wasn't even I who noticed. My dad was laughing so I asked him what he was refering to (I was in the bathroom) and he pointed out that "Mandark" took on that nickname because it is "the only name" to suit his "manly darkness." Aww!! ::Glomps "Mandark":: His laugh reminds me of the dubb Yamato's though. Hers goes like "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha." and his kinda goes "Ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha." ^_^; I'm at least close, riight?
Ahh... this "Pokémon" movie is so flawless... except maybe all the Gakishippy/Twerpshippy/Pokéshippyness. But Jirarudan is dead sexy so don't even PLAY that the movie is a waste of green! If you got a problem with renting movies then your options for next weekend are (using dubb names simply because this is "Cartoon Network" America):

Friday [11-21] at 8:00 P.M.: "Pokémon the Movie 3: Entei - Spell of the Unown"
Saturday [11-22] at 5:00 P.M.: "Pokémon the Movie 2000: The Power Of One"
Sunday [11-23] at 10:00 A.M.: "Pokémon the Movie 2000: The Power Of One"

"Pokémon the Movie 3: Entei - Spell of the Unown" is O.K. but the animation for Musashi-tachi at the beggining of the movie is HORRENDOUS! It's a cute movie to watch with your parent/guardian especially on Mothersday or Fathersday though.

Listening To: "Limp Bizkit" - "Behind Blue Eyes"
This has just bugged me for a while... I noticed "Pokémon" websites based on the dubb (basically almost every last one) say "James" is from a "southern family." Uhh... hello? "Mr.Morgan" has a fake BRITISH accsent! If you wana hear a fake southern guy accsent listen to "AJ." (Who I think would be a cute boyfriend to "Jezebell." [Rumika] ^^).
OHH!! Speaking of "Jezebell," I went to the library to check out a book to do as a book report and it was...acutually it was pretty amazing. To determine whether or not I want to read a book I read the book summary and one page in the middle of the book. The page read from the first book I observed was talking about a girl named JEZEBELL trying to move an ELEPHANT! The irony with the elephant is that Jezebell in "Pokémon" WEARS A LION TAMER OUTFIT!! Moreover, the next book I looked at I checked out. For one thing the illustration of the girl on the cover looks EXACTLY like the APF Member: "Sammi." For another thing on page 3 it says "She'd made me uncomfortable babbling about being 'centered in truth and love and creativity." Did you hear that?!!! CENTERED IN "TRUTH AND LOVE"?!!!!!!!!!!!!

Listening To: "Outkast" - "Hey Ya"
[[Continued from 11-8]]
Prior to watching that "Pokémon" episode [I was downloading it while I was gone] I saw one of my school's plays. It was said to be impossible to be performed by high school students but apparently that isn't so, as they got a standing ovation. It really WAS awesome though. 'Twas William Shakespeare's "Othello." I couldn't shake the character of Othello out of my head until I watched "Pokémon" so I kept reciting in the mirror something about Desdemona being a "whore." ^_^;;
Dating back to Halloween weekend, as I haven't updated since Fall Break, it was quite the tiresome weekend.
On Halloween I went trick-or-treating with 6 others. Elena's boyfriend's buddy had a thing for me but when everyone else was trying to talk to him his anger management classes became useful [o.o]. Cassy [sp?] had to go reallly bad so she winded up going by some trees [after the guys went home] and Ashley [sp?] had to as well but her costume was made so that if she did she'd have to take the whole thing off [o.o;].
The next day I went with my parents to attend a cute play based on the book or movie or both on "To Kill A Mocking Bird." Interesting timing seeing as we're reading that story in English class.
THEN the NEXT day [Sunday, incase you're as slow as I am.] I went on a DATE for once! I wanted to go to "Halloween Horror Nights 13" but as it turns out the last day was Saturday. Sos, we went to see "Scary Movie 3" and it was hilarious-but we missed a half-hour of the movie even though according to the "Orlando-Sentinel" newspaper we got there on time. x.x;
G2G cuz my mom is gona kiiill meee for being up this late [she has already threatened to twice so far o.o] sos see yaz! [Oh yeah, like anyone's ACTUALLY reading any of this...]

Listening To: Fefe Dobson - "Take Me Away"
OMG!!! I JUST saw "Kasumi Shinken Shoubu! Mei Kakemasu?!" and I swear [to me] it was absolutely ADORABLE!!!!! There's no Musashi-tachi and it stared Kasumi-well Nanako stole the limelight but it was SUPPOSED to be a Kasumi special-but hell, it was cute so who gives a damn? Nanako was sooo hilarious! She even winded up GOING ON A DATE and on her way to the date [a baseball game, naturally] HER AND HER BOYFRIEND SANG THE ELECTABUZ THEME SONG TOGETHER!! Aww!! *---*
Also Kenji and Sakura deffinately had somethin' goin' DOWN [o.o]! Even though almost all "Pokémon" fans hate Kenji I'm gona include this anyway. Kenji almost made me cry cuz he was wimpering so kawaiiii when Sakura, Kasumi, and Nanako forced him to clean the Hanada gym! ^^
Newho, if you've read their character profiles you'd see that Yamato and Kosaburo are also in it. The weird part is, is that they were acting like Musashi-tachi. Kosuburo even had one leg up [like Kojirou would] and winked [O.O;]!! On another note I found the fact that I watched that episode today amusing since the new "Matrix" movie came out not-too-long-ago. The coinkidink bein' that Yamato and Kosaburo reminded me of "Matrix" characters [although I assume you've already drawn that conclusion] cuuuz...
(1) they were wearing shades and black trenchcoats
(2) they told a Roketto-dan agent that was working as a fry cook [at a place called "Hamburgers" X.X;;] a code word so she gave them fries with a micro holographic+audio answering machine tape that let out smoke [sounds like something "Animatrix" 's "Detective's Story].

Listening To: "Kylie Minogue" - "Whenever You Feel Like It"
I finished uploading my webpages to "Angelfire" and worked out quite a few kinks... I also created the "Interact" page.
I bought my Halloween costume today. It is one of THE coolest things ever! I'm "Athena, Warrior Queen"! Athena is my favorite goddess plus I'm butch so it's an at least semi-fitting roll, I do believe... Weilding my plastic sword comes all too naturally...which is kind of strange... o.o

Listening To: Ayumi Hamasaki - "Fly High"
Sorry, no updates because I went to "Disney" again. I sooo wana work there but I have to wait two years before they let me [if they let me]. ;_;

Listening To: [Animé] “Angel Sanctuary” – “Knife Of Romance”
Moving everything to “Angelfire” is a bit too much work so I had a MUCH better idea. All of my files with html are on “Angelfire” and all my other files [such as screen shots] are in “AOL Hometown.” I uploaded most of my existant webpages to “Angelfire” and I updated character profiles [mostly just the screen shots] for Kosaburo, Yamato, Kojirou, Musashi, Nyaasu, Sakaki, Shiranui-hakase, Namba-hakase, and Itsumu.

Listening To: “Dashboard Confessional” – “Anyone Anyone”
I am FED up with AOL because it changes the codes on every html page I upload so I am moving my page to “Angelfire”! No ifs ands or buts! I tried all day to get help from AOL but they seem unaware of the dilemma. Excuse the fact that I haven’t updated the website. I am on Fall Break so I went to “Disney.”

Listening To: “No Doubt” – “Running”
Who da hell cares about MY site?!!! Yesterday [it was too late an hour to write an entry] I went to “Serebii,” like an APF member told me to [Kristen], and OMG!!! I could care less about Rocketshipping [*Sweat drops at website layout* Hey, I got that made. It wasn’t MY idea.] but OMG when that episode comes out in the dubb so I can watch it it’s going to be one of my favorite or, at this point, my favorite episode!! If the dubbers leave it out I’m going to CRY! I really am!! Or at least whine constantly.
The episode [I NEVER imagined the writers would actually do this for even one character! ^_____________^], “Roketto-Dan! Ai to Seishun no Genten,” [I don’t know Japanese but “Ai” means “Love” ^___________________^] and it’s about how Musashi and Kojirou were pared together [Musashi HATED him], how Nyaasu winded up with them [it seems the teams are each assigned a Pokémon], and Yamato and Kosaburo competing with Musashi-tachi. However, the shippyness [other than Musashi eventually got the social reject Kojirou to trust her] was when Musashi saved him from falling [again] she pulled him up and he landed in a rather awkward position. X[) I think it took a while for him to process that he was staring right at Musashi’s chest… ^_^; The only problem with that is that it is a FLASHBACK! [;___;] Lol, Musashi’s partner before Kojirou was hott. ^_^;
Today I fixed the incorrect name spellings on the Shippy page [I might have accidentally missed some.]. I also updated Heroshipping, Serebiishipping, Weedshipping, Crossdressyshipping, R*cketshipping, and Rocketshipping. I even wrote the episode guide to "Nyuura to Seinaru Hono'o!"

Listening To: Alanis Morissette – “Perfect”
How is it whenever I actually WANT to work on my website it’s a school day so I can’t because of projects and such? Whelp, I’m even LESS in the mood than I was yesterday so all I did was… what DID I do? …Musta been somethin’… oh yeah. All I did was websurf for screen shots for the villain profiles. Most of the day my dad was copying files to CDs so I have more space on my computer. That was actually necessary considering you could barely see the slot showing free space on the drive.
Another APF [ "Adult-Pokémon-Fan" ] member, Tom, linked me to his writings . This was actually a blog…or online journal… [What’s the difference?] Interesting.
;___; “Cartoon Network” was playing the episode “Parasu to Parasekuto” tonight. I only saw that one other time. I was nine. POOR NYAASU-CHAN!!! That potion concoctor’s granddaughter is so mean! Then again I don’t TOTALLY hate her or anything because she stood up for Nyaasu and she admires Musashi-tachi. The Perusian ending was one of the cruelest of them all. At least with Kojirou’s Itsumu love crisis the ending is sad but happy!! Nyaasu-chan…

Listening To: “Trapt” – “Headstrong”
Wow… that was boring. Try giving personality to someone without one like Yamato. *Sigh* I did character updates [mostly ENTIRE re-writes] on Bisashu, Domino, Himeka, Itsumu, Jinjii, Kojirou no Ryoushin, Madonnya, Shiranui-hakase, Rumika, Sakaki, Tatsumi, and Yamato. I think I’ll make profiles on the other villains too. I wish I knew the Black Arachnid I’s title in the Japanese. Oh, well. Maybe I’ll write some tomorrow. I’m really tired tonight.
I also updated Nyanyushipping on the Shippy page. You can find the ship when you see other ships involving Nyaasu-chan. I have yet to correct those name spellings. Until a few minutes ago I spelled Kojirou, Yamato, Kosaburo, and Bisashu as Kojiro, Yamoto, Kosaburu, and Bishasu. Those are such minor mistakes don’t be surprised if I forget to fix a spelling somewhere. You probably wouldn’t even have noticed until as of the moment…
One of the members of the online “Pokémon” fan club that I’m in [ .a2 A:link {text-decoration: none; color: purple;} .a2 A:visited {text-decoration: none; color: purple;} .a2 A:active {text-decoration: line-through; color: teal;} .a2 A:hover {font-size:19; text-decoration: underline overline; color: teal;} "Adult-Pokémon-Fan" ], Ali, linked me to her "Timon Shrine" because she did season I of her episode guide to “The Timon & Pumbaa Show.” Her personality resembles that of Timon’s very much so, making the wording on the site perfectly suited to “The Timon & Pumbaa Show”/”The Lion King I”/”The Lion King 1˝”/”The Lion King II.” It’s rather cute (Although she has a slightly scary obsession with Timon’s Luau song. ^_^;) shrine that I certainly recommend-especially for the more absent-minded unlike myself (But I still like the site!). No, she didn’t bribe me to say that.

Listening To: Shania Twain – “Man! I Feel Like A Woman!”
Just writing more song lyrics. “Lullaby” and “Viridian City” took FAR too long. Especially “Viridian City.” You’d THINK it would be easy to do such a repetitive song. The big cheese up in heaven most certainly hates that I devote most every waking hour that I’m not busy on this hunk of junk. You can’t IMAGINE how much equipment and work I had to get to make “Pokémon” AMVs.
For today’s “Kids’WB” “Pokémon” episode discussion:
You know, Satoshi Tajiri [the guy who created “Pokémon”] might not be too happy with the outcome of the “Shirogane Taikai.” Tajiri’s intent was that Satoshi and Shigeru would be rivals FOREVER and that Satoshi would NEVER catch up to Shigeru. It would have been so much better if the writers stuck to that path.
I guess Shigeru's change of heart means we won't see him much anymore [;______;] but at least if that happens we won't see him enough to have his personality crushed further.
I DID like that Hazuki won [Though I knew he would because there are only 2 episodes of season 5 left.] and I thought it was awesome that Roketto-dan chased away the bill collectors so easily since usually they just get angry consumers chase them out of town instead! ^^
“John Dixon from Sento-Cherry Town”? ^_^; The town reminds me of Setoh Kaiba. The dubbers can make up the word Sento but they can’t make up enough names to avoid over-usage of names that sound like Keigan?!

Listening To: [Animé] “Slayers” – “Feel Well”
I get to work on my website [FINALLY] but I’m bored to death doing so! :*( I don’t get iiittt!! Whether I’m hating it on not I have a pretty strong will. I don’t know how much that does me because the rest of the time I am nothing short of immovable but there’s often a little sneaky tax, isn’t there?
I started writing English dubb song lyrics. I wish I knew Japanese to provide those but I’ve never been a wiz at any academics [ :*( ]. I also copied 3 Spanish dubb song lyrics, that my mom wrote on paper, to my computer (She had a LOT more but I lost them somehow. ;____;). I have to catch her sometime to double check my spelling and accent marks. In addition, I transferred my episode guide on "Fushigi no Kuni no Annoon!” from paper-computer.
I watched “Shinkirou no Kanata ni! Togepii no Rakuen!" tonight!! ^^ Season six is now officially my favorite season!!! About the episode:
@_@ This happens to be a two-part episode and this is part two. I got most of it by the end of the episode though.
In the previous episode Kasumi came back and a princess found her Togepii and wanted it for herself. I’m not sure but it looks as if the king hired a guard [?], Hanzou [who resembles-or is-a Cossack] to retrieve the Togepii? Musashi-tachi join up with Hanzou after trying to steal Togepii themselves. Hanzou promises something for them it seems… probably Kasumi’s Togepii but I’m not sure…
Back to THIS episode, it would take too long to write the whole plot but the upside[s] are:
- Even though Kasumi is back, she is O.K. for once. I guess it’s cuz she’s not in the season enough the totally screw that buried coolness she has in her. Yikes!! Did I call KASUMI COOL?!!!!
- Surprise, surprise Hanzou lied to Musashi-tachi about his promise and blasts them off. They get their revenge by dressing up as fortunetellers and giving Masato a fortune that helps jari-boy-tachi get Hanzou.
- It might be just me, but considering this is “Pokémon” the visuals are beautiful!
- Best of all, if it weren’t for a group of Togepii then jari-boy-tachi would have been enclosed is an almost completely destroyed reflection of a castle controlled by Hanzou from the other side of the mirror [the mirror casts the reflection]! >^-^<

Listening To: “Miss Papaya” – “Sugarboy”
Itsumu didn’t kill Musashi-tachi’s special! Yea!!
Itsumu tries to charm "Kojirou-san" with those big baby blue eyes of hers and Kojirou totally ignores her [^^]! Ii kanjii!
The ending was cute. Kojirou was very sad that Musashi & Nyaasu broke the machine so it blasted them off but in the end the instrumental to "Maemuki Roketto-dan!" [the title IS "Ganbare! MAEMUKI ROKETTO-DAN!" afterall] plays and they're happy all of a sudden [^_^]. In addition, as you may have guessed, the chosen ending song is "Maemuki Roketto-dan!"
Another thing I found out from watching this is that there will be yet ANOTHER Christmas "special." It looks like another "Pikachuu no Fuyuyasumi" but at least we know why Satoshi is mature finally! Either that or Haruka just makes him look like a genius since she even makes Kasumi look like she eats.
As for what you’re probably most interested in, the semi-shippy part is as follows: Nyaasu points out that Kojirou is talking to a girl [Itsumu]. Musashi repeats what I've looked up to mean something similar to "Eh? Eh?? Eh, eh, eh???" [She kept saying "ara," so did I find the right translation of that word?] and as she is saying it she is making the computer screen zoom in on them to spy! X[) [If not shippy then at least somewhat amusing if you think of what Musashi thinks is going to happen behind her back!]
More good news! When Itsumu gets all blushy and runs away from Kojirou after a few words and leaves Kojirou standing there alone [the scene that Musashi is spying on] from watching the episode [the dubb might change this] I’ve instantly come to notice how Kojirou REALLY feels about Itsumu. From the looks of it, he thinks she is a sweet little kid and that it’s cute that she looks up to him as a hero but he has no romantic interest in her. Thus, on that scene where she runs away from him, he felt bad because he felt sorry for Itsumu.
It’s such a perfect episode… there are mecas, it is undoubtedly the MOST random episode EVER, and since Itsumu has NO chance with Kojirou it’s funny to watch Musashi observe the matter like a soap opera addict. ^^

Listening To: [Game] “Kingdom Hearts I” & “Kingdom Hearts II” – “Simple & Clean [Instrumental]”
There’s going to be a “Kingdom Hearts II”? But I just got to Transit Town in “Kingdom Hearts I”! [^_^;;] The trailer makes it look better than “Kingdom Hearts I”. “Kingdom Hearts II” looks darker. Aww! And I don’t see Wonderland in the trailer! ;-; I hope it’s in the game but I doubt it. Too bad, “Alice In Wonderland” is like my favorite animated movie. “…To skipping, hopping, tripping fancy free and gay! Nothing could be drier than a jolly Caucus Race!…”