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I love this post. There were so many of us this week and the last couple of weeks and that really needed a reason to smile. Jess saw this and decided to take us all in hand and do something about it. It was really cheering to read all of these posts and I think that Jess and everyone who has been doing there part to cheer everyone up, deserves a great big round of applause. So along with a virtual hug to each everyone of my freinds out there in flamingoland, I am nominating Jess's post for POST OF THE WEEK!

Let's All De-Funk Shall We?

I'm doing a de-funk dance over here. My co-workers are not amused I have had a really bad week & from what I gather a few others have too. So I say from this moment on were de-funked for the weekend.

Reasons for Flamingos (& us Former Febbie defectors) to celebrate this weekend:
Amy (reeces Mom's) Birthday
Nicolle has a bouncing new baby
Tara (Jaxon's Mom) got smacked in the tooshie by a co-worker A woman no less
Amy & Amy made nice nice
Jeanne is busy from now till timbuktu making us all super hip chicks with our groovy bags
Colleen showed us her dh (need I say more)
there are some beautiful new sig pics out there
That's all I've got for now.

Re: Let's All De-Funk Shall We?

Great idea! I especially like two of your's on a personal level.
It's my birthday and I woke up to my front door covered with streamers and balloons and glittery "30" glitter and big "30 is Perfection" signs. And my friend got up at 5 a.m. to sneak over and do that. Isn't that the coolest? And I'm having dinner tonight with 10 friends at my favorite restaurant and hubby's paying for it all. And I can't wait!

Steve did really good on the present... fed my endless Kate Spade obsession. Nuf said.

I talked to my brother last night from the Chicago airport, meaning he made it home from Scotland safely. And he bought his girlfried of 7 months diamond earrings on his trip... so I'm thinking this may be The One and I'm so ear-to-ear happy for him.

I see lots of new sig pics (Brooke!) that I love and I am constantly reminded just how amazing this board is... presents criss-crossing the country, words of encouragement (and smackdowns Hi Danni and Katherine!) all over the place, but mostly lots o love.

Today is the first day of The Good Decade. And I'm pumped up and ready to start over at 30. Bring it on!
Amy Mommy to DS Reece

Re: Let's All De-Funk Shall We?

and smackdowns Hi Danni and Katherine!
Mine was in private don't bother going to look for it.
Alan & Grandma

Re: Let's All De-Funk Shall We?

Oh, I want to play....
It's FRIDAY (isn't that enought???)

I'm down by 13 pounds and wearing blue jeans

Jadie's first sentence is "Doo, where are you?" (as in scooby) and it's so darn cute.

We're going to Six Flags on Sunday including their water park Hurrican Harbor and I'm excited 'cause I know that Sarah (and hopefully Jadie) will have a BLAST!

And the best... I think I'm finally willing to concede that the lice are GONE. I've been looking around every corner for them, but they're gone. Sarah is clean and clear and there are no evidence anywhere of any bugs. I can't believe we got them taken care of in the first pass!

Re: Let's All De-Funk Shall We?

5 years ago today i went out with dh for the first time.. (it was also our first time meeting face to face after talking through emails/on the phone for 8 days). We met on And little did we know that 5 years later, we would own our house, be pretty much married, have one kid and another on the way! Going out to celebrate tomorrow night!

dh is taking me to a new store where he knows the manager when he gets off work tonight.. Last week he brought me home 2 beautiful silver rings from that store cause i was in a funk because on Aug 2nd, it was suppose to be our wedding day.. So he is taking me back tonight to pick out a matching necklace to go with them!

pregnancy is going really well!

Kat will be 18 months old on Monday, and continues to amaze me daily, learning new words, and new stunts.

my brother & SIL are babysitting Kat for the first time tomorrow night, and they couldn't be more excited! They are her god-parents, and she is their only neice (or nephew for that matter) and couldn't love her more!

Re: Let's All De-Funk Shall We?

My reasons to de-funk:
Jessie has joined our board and so have several other girls recently who bring new perspectives, new pics (yea!) and in letting us get to know them, we learn more about ourselves.

Dh is leaving or has left for a week and I've got the new and improved house all to myself - at least that's my new spin on it. I can do/not do whatever chores I want. I can eat/not eat whatever food I want. I can have tickle fights and singalongs at the top of our lungs.

I get my hair cut tomorrow. Say no more. Short hair grows too fast!!!

Lucy's room is all but empty and I can start imagining her new little life there in full this weekend. Got some paint samples in my pocket and a checkbook and she and I are going to spend some dough - if we want. Curtains and diaper stacker and crib and changing table and all things pink!

Re: Let's All De-Funk Shall We?

I work in the kind of office that it's no big deal to not have on shoes soooooooooooooo - buhbye shoes!!!

Re: Let's All De-Funk Shall We?

its amys birthday. i am so jeakous about the kate spade thing. I mean *I* cant afford Kate speade, but I guess I will be happy for her anyway (Oh, I crack myself up!)

Tim may be home by the end of October instead of November. Lets keep our fingers crossed. he has been gone a long time and it seems like we ahve so far to go still, but that one month would make the road seem much shorter.

Reese still has an afro

It is friday

Danni is not wearing shoes

Tabbie adn her dh will be here in 4 more months! Woo hoo!

Amy mother of Carson

Re: Let's All De-Funk Shall We?

I'm going on vacation tomorrow! In a little over 24 hours I'll be sitting on the beach building sand castles with AJ

Cleaning service is scouring my bathrooms right now and I'm NOT

DH will be home in a few minutes

Going for a manicure and a pedicure in a few minutes. What color should I get?

I'm feeling quite pampered today. But this week has been he11. Yeah!

Re: Let's All De-Funk Shall We?

Oh lillylady get a nice fuschia. Youa re going to be at the beach for crying out loud!!!!! If not a BRIGHT fuschia, then a very light almost nude-pink.

Amy mother of Carson

Re: Let's All De-Funk Shall We?

I have a ton of friends willing to commiserate with me when I'm *funky*, a few to tell me nicely to snap out of it, a couple who want to BE me and one who is now my own self-appointed de-funker.

My van and furniture have BOTH arrived in Iceland and I should have them within a week!!

Mickey is sitting next to me reading Beezus and Ramona - silently!
I'm on night #3 of not eating after dinner and it's killing me because my favorite cookies are calling, calling but I'M NOT LISTENING!!!!

Tara, Mother to Emily

Re: Let's All De-Funk Shall We?

1. It's Amy's birthday - we HAVE to be mirthful

2. Mike and Oliver are on a camping trip and, whilst I miss them, we girls are having a ball here doing special girlie things.

3. School starts soon and Oliver and Clara are both now in the gifted program which I am thrilled about.

4. All signs of Oliver's potential Tourette's seem miraculousy to have vanished.

5. My Dad says he is coming for Christmas.

6. I'm getting my hilights done next week.

7. I'm having lamb for dinner - I love lamb and Mike hates it.

8. I'm extremely psyched about the new blankie idea for Miss Maisy.

Re: Let's All De-Funk Shall We?

I cured Julia of her "I'm ignoring Daddy forever" stint that ran for nearly 3 months.

DH and I are going on a date tomorrow... East Side Mario's and American Wedding... cause I'm feeling about 18 years old!

Morning sickness is mild and fairly easily conquered.

My last load of laundry is in the dryer.... and there's none sitting around in baskets waiting to be put away.

My house is tidy. Ok.... it isn't CLEAN yet... but at least it's tidy!


Re: Let's All De-Funk Shall We?

My husband had another good check up yesterday and can now wait six months between check ups.


Re: Let's All De-Funk Shall We?

I wanna play....

I have lost 3 pounds and am drinking my water

I have found a whole lot of new friends that have made this past couple weeks a blast(yes, I am talking 'bout you guys !

Dh is off this weekend so he gets to stay home and play with me and Hannah

I am going garage saling tomorrow (love junk hunting)

me and my girl had such a great day today. No hissy fits, no getting into things she wasn't supposed to. Just giggles and hugs and snuggles all day


Re: Let's All De-Funk Shall We?

Nicole and Jenn had happy, healthy children

Deb and many other lovely ladies have helped me with low carb recipes

Amy turned 30 and watched porn

I just borrowed 5 books from the library and I can't wait to burrow in my bed and read them

My dh is kicking butt at school, it is fun to watch his skills improve

After 2 months I FINALLY was able to see Alicia and Jayson


Re: Let's All De-Funk Shall We?

I didn't die or kill Lucy trying to retrieve Ali's stacking cups from underneath the table at Steak 'n Shake tonight. Where did I leave that husband?!? And Ali thought it was hilarious.

Re: Let's All De-Funk Shall We?

I lost five pounds this week

I have a secret interview, no one at home knows about

Toni's chart

Jill called me the other day, and I LOVE HER TO DEATH!!

Eve is an amazing low car resource and has helped me even find a yummy sub for my fattening creamer (Eve I found it and even got a discount on it!!!)

Expecting my child tax credit check this week

this new restaurant is actually a money maker!!

My old favorit customer Dave called me out of the blue today to make sure my life was wonderful.

Jaxon learned how to lean down and kiss me when he is up on my shoulders getting a piggy back.. and they are the best upside down kisses ever.

My teenie tiny baby boy is getting ready to enter the fourth grade and the gifted and talented program

My georgous baby girl gave her favorite doll to her baby brother... Just cuz...

Natalie is getting ready to send Jeannie a check for my bag.. for early birthday present

I go tomorrow to pick up my excersice bike (birthday present from Scott)


Re: Let's All De-Funk Shall We?

My CRS told me that my package sent up for my reenlistment makes my whole unit look like they are "out to get me" which in turn will make them look like Shiit by not helping out one of their Marines Life is good

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