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$$ The GATE
Leadership and Membership Ledger

(1) Guild Master - Elijah Seruth

Mr. Seruth is the leader of the GATE. He is also the owner of Starlight Business Ventures one of the GATE's current businesses. He is also the lead fouonder of the guild and currently resides within the city of Altimeya.

(2) Second In Command - Raziel Morgain

Mr. Morgain is the Second in Command for the GATE and general manager for the Starlight Shipping Business. He is also the Captain of the Nebula a starlight business's asset.

(3) Third In Command – Gemni Redd (Roguish Intention)

Ms. Redd is the director of Personel for the GATE and current Bartender for The Starry Eye a Starlight business Asset.

(4) – Fenwyn

Fenwyn is a respected Business owner in GATE as well as the Ishtan Representative to the guild. She acts in the capacity of an advisor to the leadership at times.

(5) – Ralbart Tenrir

Mr. Tenrir is head of the Mage Academy of Altimeya an affiliate of the GATE. He is also a respected advisor to the leadership of the guild.

(6) – Alliad NerZhul

Mr. NerZhul is a member and one of the respected officials of the Mage Academy of Altimeya.

(7) – Aeredhella (JacJac10)

A Member of the Mage Academy of Altimeya

(8) – Jezalyn

A Member of the Mage Academy of Altimeya

(9) – Rhylan Silforinx

A respected member of the Starlight Security Force.

(10) – Raven Tirell

Innkeeper for the Starry Eye.

(11) – Gendron Kilk

Crew for Starlight Shipping currently awaiting placement on the Nebula.

(12) – Elvilia Tashard (Elf Sorcery)

An Official Guild Member.