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Welcome to our website which is all about dumb things people say, which makes them a dumbass and good enough for this website. Like you, loser. Especially if your name is MC Townsendator.



Unbeknownst to anyone, Townsend is actually an android from the far future in which PCs have evolved to the state where they no longer even resemble the common PC.


Townsend - "How many pixels are in a 2GHz Pc?"

Lethal Dosage - "4? (sarcastically)"

This conversation happened at a dumbassed school, and it was funny to hear.

Lethal Dosage - "Hey, Townsend, how many megabytes are there in a 17" Monitor?"

Townsend - "What the (Swears)? (Swears a lot), that's your hard drive that has the memory you Dumb (Swears)!"

This was another conversation with the same two people, at the same dumbassed school.

Yankie - "Hey Townsend, what's the standard resolution of an optical mouse?"

(For the other dumbasses out there, optical mice have resolution.)

Townsend - "What the (Swears)? There's no such thing, it's a monitor that has resolution."

Same thing again but even dumber.

Once upon a day Yankie and LD went to Townsend for him to copy a game CD for us, and he tried to install the game onto the empty CD itself and thought it would later copy itself onto it somehow. We just laughed our asses off at the dumbass who has given his name to our great website.

One time Townsend had sex with a bed. A lot of people witnessed it. But really he was dreaming of dogs.

Yankie  - "Hey Townsend, what does MP3 Stand for?"

Townsend - "Erm?" (Looking puzzled)

Jon - "Multi Purpose 3 Dimensional." (Jokingly)

Townsend - "Arr, I knew it was that, I was gonna say it."

Townsend - "Your motherboard is the noisiest part of your PC, it's inside your hard-drive."

What the hell?

Yankie - "Townsend, how many mouse balls does an optical mouse have?"

Townsend - "One, obviously, what the hell kind of a question is that?"

Yankie - "No... I said an optical mouse."

Townsend - "Oh right, err, two?"

Yankie and Lethal Dosage - "Hahhahahahahhahahhahahah!" (Insert more laughing here.)

Townsend - (Gets pissed off.)

Townsend - "You guys made a website about me, huh?"

Yankie and Lethal Dosage - "No..."

(Bla, bla, bla, basically Townsend finally figures out that we did make this wonderful website.)

Townsend - "Well, I'm going to make a website about you guys."

Lethal Dosage - "And what are you going to put on it?"

Townsend - "That you two are bum bandits!"

Yankie and Lethal Dosage - "What?"

Yankie - "Do you even know how to make a website?"

Lethal Dosage - "You probably don't even have any webspace."

Townsend - "I'm still gonna make it, and I'm gonna put all kinds of shit about you two on it."

Yankie - "No one is going to know about it anyway."

Townsend - "I'll put it up around school."

Yankie - "You're going to put posters up around school?"

Townsend - "Uh-huh." (In a stupid voice that is supposed to be mocking us.)

Lethal Dosage - "I look forward to seeing it."

Yankie - "We'll link to it from the dumbass site."


Believe it or not, other people can be dumbasses too.

Male RS teacher - "I look at the girls as much as the boys."

Slessor - (Watching landing scene in Saving Private Ryan) "You can get shot underwater?!!!"

What, do the bullets bounce off?

Slessor - (During the Washington sniper attacks, in a class discussion about it) "What sniper?"

Slessor - "What the hell is Sars?"

Yankie and Lanky - "We're going to win."

Don't even pretend to understand.

Pazza - "This isn't so much a question as a statement. Why is it that... Oh wait, that is a question."

Written on a blackboard by English Teacher - "Come two the back room if you want to lern."

Paul - "I'm not on this dumbass website, am I?

You are now, Paul.

Got any dumbass things that people have said? Good for you, we don't care.