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OST2313 - Lab Assignment #8

Retrieving Information

In Access Session 3, you will learn how to sort records in a table, find records in a table, use filters, create and save queries, and retrieve information from more than one table in a database. You will create, customize, and modify simple and complex queries. In addition, you will perform calculations on a table. Finally, you will link two tables together and display their contents using a multiple-table query.

1. Read Session 3 in the Access text.

2. Perform steps in Session 3 modifying the Sports Store database file in the Access Data folder on your data disk.
On page 144, skip step 12, and save the query as "Sales Rep Names."

3. Perform the Hands-On exercises at the end of Session 3 modifying the School database file in the Access Data folder on your data disk. It is not necessary for you to print the requested datasheets.

4. Backup your Access data disk and submit two database files, "Sports Store" and "School," by attaching them to an e-mail message.
Due on Friday, April 18