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OST2313 - Lab Assignment #7

Working with Tables

In Access Session 2, you will learn how to create a new database. Specifically, you will design, create, modify and customize database tables - the most important objects in an Access database. In addition, you will work with indexes, add records to a table, create an AutoForm, modify a table's structure, and then print a datasheet.

1. Read Session 2 in the Access text.

2. Perform steps in Session 2 creating the Inventory Control1 and Sporting database files in the Access Data folder on your data disk.

3. Perform the Hands-On exercises at the end of Session 2 modifying the Wedding database file in the Access Data folder on your data disk.

4. Backup your Access data disk and submit three database files "Inventory Control1", "Sporting", and "Wedding" by attaching them to an e-mail message.
Due on Friday, April 11