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OST2313 - Lab Assignment #4

Managing a Workbook

In Session 4, you will learn how to manage large worksheets by freezing titles on the screen and opening windows to view different parts of a worksheet or workbook. You will learn how to manage and extract information from worksheets by filtering your worksheet data. In addition, you will learn how to consolidate data using formulas that link separate worksheets and workbooks and how to create multiple-sheet workbook files. Finally, to improve the reliability and consistency of your daily procedures, this session shows you how to define macros to record and play back keystrokes.

1. Read Session 4 in the Excel text.

2. Perform steps in Session 4 saving numerous files in the working folder on your data disk.

3. Perform the Hands-On exercises at the end of Session 4 saving the

"Check Register" and "Project Summary" files in the working folder on your data disk. You do not need to print out these files.

4. Backup your Excel data disk and submit five files :"Shift Summary", "XYZ Summary", "Macros", "Check Register", and "Project Summary" by attaching them to an e-mail message.
Due on Friday, February 28