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OST2313 - Lab Assignment #1

Microsoft Excel 7.0 Fundamentals

In Session 1, you will learn the basic terminology of electronic spreadsheets. In addition, you will get acquainted with Windows 95, Excel 7.0, and readily available online help. Specifically in Excel, you will learn about data entry in a cell, editing a cell, deleting a cell, and saving a workbook.

1. Read Session 1 in the Excel text.

2. Perform steps in Session 1 saving the "My First Workbook" file in the working folder on your data disk.

3. Perform the Hands-On exercise at the end of Session saving the "My Financial Plan" file in the working folder on your data disk.

4. Complete the Bondable Group Case Problem at the end of Session 1 creating the "Bondable Plan" and "Garrett Buggey" files. Save the two files in the working folder on your data disk.

5. Backup your Excel data disk and submit your Excel backup disk for grading.
Due on Friday, January 24