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...Do not fear thee...Fear the night of thy soul..

...Do not fear thee...Fear the night of thy soul..

Piccy of Syn! ^-^ The background stinks, bleh..

General Info

  • A fallen angel; A tainted heart. A wandering soul without a future, only a forgotten past.
  • Lonely shadow, atop the vast lands. I sing to thee, The Song of the Shadows, dost thou answer back?
  • The wind runs through thee; The river sings to thee whilst the sun guides thee.
  • I call to thee, Dost thou answer back? Whilst among the quiet open lands, dost thou open thy heart? Among the desolate lands, alone thee stand, awaiting.. for the sun to shine in thy direction.

    Desc: Depiction of bewitching, yet angelic aspects portray a shadow like physique. Opaque optics of cerulean skies vaguely reflecting elapsed memories. Undulating along the slender scaffold lay shimmering oceans of foreign silver. Sinewy vertebrae streamed with exotic hues of slate grey; barbs stood erect from terra, vertically aligned from shoulders to hind-quarters. Underbelly laced with mixed hues of darkest obsidian. Binding the ankles lingered shackles of uneven spikes.

    ~ Thankyou for coming! ^-^ The artwork here is mine, unless said so otherwise. So please do not take any of it, do not alter it and use it as your own, I will find out, and I will not be happy. >:(