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07/03/04  Should our attempts for an astronomy club be challenged by elementary minds and the games of children, we will relocate to a top secret website.  All members will be informed should this be necessary.  In addition, tomorrow's founding meeting is to be postponed until further notice.  I'm looking at July 15th; clear you calendars ahead of time.  Unfortunately, no updates can be made to the website between July 5-July 13.  Check back on the 13th and 14th for updates regarding our meeting tentatively planned for the 15th.

07/02/03  Our first meeting is tentatively scheduled for July 4 at 9:30 pm
An open and safe meeting place has yet to be decided on.  E-mail me with suggestions.  (Savich Field?  Memorial Sports Complex?)
Remember guests are always welcome, and encouraged to participate!


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