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*~Fire of Life~* Guild Website

.::Scum of Neopia::.

Dedicated to all that have been scammed and hacked

Site Navigation

Faerie X-word Answers

Coltzans Shrine

Game tips

One Million Np Guide

Cooking pot recipes

The Hidden Tower

Jelly World

Make Your Own Contest

Make your own contest is something new that we have added to the guild and web site. Whoever sends an idea in and the council decides to use it then you will win a Blue Fury negg.

Now once you have an Idea send it in!!! for your chance to win. Send your ideas to mustanggrl1329.

Employment Agency
The employment agency posts jobs every ten minutes, that is, on the hour, 10 minutes past the hour, 20 minutes past the hour, etc.

The snowager is asleep three hours a day:
6:00 - 7:00 am NST
2:00 - 3:00 pm NST
10:00 - 11:00 pm NST
If you go later in the hour, you have a better chance of getting away with something.