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Hello everyone! Welcome to my Pittstop.

Okay...... I'm not really sure how this page is going to turn out .... but i hope it's going to be okay.

Yup! This is me! You've reached my webpage. For all of those who missed me lots! Let's hope there are updates periodically. Hehe... that's if i'm not too lazy..... I certainly hope not !!!

And for those of you who wants to know more of me, you've come to the right place!!!

Name: Crystal Lau
Born Dec 17th
Loves Movies, reading, TV, chilling with friends, horseriding
From Singapore (Tiny but significant island in South East Asia)
Currently pursuing Phd in University of Melbourne, Australia
Research as Biophysical Chemist
Study of beta-amyloid peptide in membrane environment by solid-state NMR in Alzhiemer's Disease
Loves Dogs
Interest in most things that needs more probing & understanding or brain power :)
Has 2 younger brothers

My Photos
Inspirational Pictures
The University of Melbourne

e-mail me here