WeCoMe tO bUbUlAlA! ;o)

HmHmHmMMMMMMM...... sO U must be thinking, whats with the "bubulala" eh?? let me tell u somthing...IT SOUNDS CUTE.....;)...noo, really it does, or is it just me?? :D...hehe.. Soooo.......OOOOOOOoooooo........whats this page on ?? hmmmm........well basically jus somethings about me and my friends..!! Or erm....i was kinda sick of AA so i decided to have a new chalenge by makin dis rubish page to err gd betta 1?? hehe....i Wanna big-up to my girls "Mezmak lotlun"!!...luv dem soo much every single one of them, not forgetting da boys..dey are soo kool and funny!! :D and all my other friends that i see on the weekends..hehe...:D Moving on....so i just had maths gcse, sitting with 6th fomers along with the others...How did i find it??...hmmmmmMM non calcultaer was ok, but calculater paper was sh!t boy!!....hu knows what da out come will be..we'll see...till then i'll keep on writing pure sh!t, i kno you cant wait...!! ;) xxxxxxxx Email: xkima_galx@hotmail.com

[Bubu's picsies] Lick my Guestbook baby!!

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